iranitea, usually people say back peddling, like on a bicycle. But I like back 
paddling too. Like in a boat. I also could go for, on a rainy day, back 
puddling, that is, jumping backwards into a puddle (-:

 From: iranitea <>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 11:14 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: FBI arrests Silk 
Road suspect


---In, <> wrote:

Iranitea, now truly desperate to score a point:

> But have you ever considered, that you don't know anything about what you are 
> talking
> about?

You mean, as to whether Barry knows about the Dark Web? I'm not certain of 
that, of course, which is why I said "I don't think Barry knows..." See his 
post #359659 to Seraphita and let us know what you think.

Oh, oh, back-paddling

> I mean, you say 'Gracious no' as if it would be illegal or even ethical wrong 
> to use Tor, or
> pages accessible only through it - or encryption in times of almost total 
> Internet surveillance!

Yar. That must be why I posted this to Seraphita (#359600):

There are apparently many thousands of similar sites on the Dark Web. Silk Road 
and Atlantis (which closed down a couple of weeks ago) were only the most 

(Disclaimer: I don't use any of 'em, but I've been reading about them; I find 
the whole Dark Web concept fascinating. It's also used, BTW, by legit activists 
and journalists who need to keep their communications secret and untraceable. 
So it isn't inhabited only by Bad Guys selling drugs and guns and child porn.)


Ooopsie, then why did you say: Gracious No?

> And, I think, you know as much about 'Spirituality' and 'Sadhana' as you know 
> about Tor and
> PGP. It's something that you are reading about on the internet and then 
> regurgitate it.

Well, I do think you and I have different ideas of what an effective sadhana 
should result in. Repeatedly shooting yourself in the foot and not having the 
minimal humility to laugh at yourself for doing so is not on my list of 
positive outcomes.

Neither mine. Oh, did you say this about me?

> And with regard to you, I do think it's a function of old age.

What is a function of old age?

Now, please spare me a detailed analysis. But it has been pointed out and 
explained to you quite recently by a number of people, most recent one was 
Xeno. You are of course immune to that, which is part of the problem. Now, 
Judy, I do indeed believe, that you basically believe in what you are saying. 
That is to say, to your own conscious awareness, you are truthful. The problem 
is only, that you take your own insights, or opinions for granted, and your 
'intuitions' for facts, which they are not. 

This, together with an increased aggressiveness, and stubbornness, and an 
attempt to cover up your own mistakes, concentrate on silly side issues, that 
is basically what has been perceived and pointed out by many here. Your 
constant GET Barry and Share, or whoever is in the shooting line. So don't 
complain if someone is shooting back. 

---In, <> wrote:

Iranitea, each time you return to FFL from wherever you go when you aren't 
here, it seems as though both your IQ and your spirituality have deteriorated 
from your previous visit. Oh, and your English comprehension and mind-reading 
abilities as well.

Maybe you should reconsider whether your sadhana is actually depriving you of 
brain cells. I don't think what we're seeing here is just the normal gradual 
mental decline of aging.

Iranitea wrote:

> Of course! You sounded so proud, knowing about these things, so I thought you 
> might at
>>>> least know what you are talking about. 
>>---In, <> wrote:
>>Iranitea keeps trying:
>>> And you surely have been to the dark web, have been using Tor and encrypted 
>>> emails with 
>>>>> PGP or GPG, right?
>>>>Gracious, no, wrong. Have you?
>>>>I wrote:
>>>>I don't think [Barry] knows about the Dark Web and Tor and Atlantis and 
>>>>Silk Road and so on.

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