If the incredible story of man destroying his fellow man depresses you,
you *really* won't like this article. It's about the same tendency in
women. Talk about Mean Girls:


s3raphita sez:

Re "Yeah, I am a big fan of places left to crumble. I saw Devil's Island
. . . ":

I know where you're coming from. That sounds like a fantastic but
disturbing place to see.

The  closest I got to such an experience was when when I visited the
Channel  Islands. The islands were the only part of the UK that were
occupied by  the Nazis in WWII and they used slave labour to construct
vast  underground complexes. The sites are open for tourists to visit
and I  swear that you can sense the ghosts of the former inmates who
died in  the thousands from starvation and over-work. I still shudder
whenever I  remember my visit. That people could be so brutal to fellow
humans is  quite literally incomprehensible to me. It was a traumatic
onslaught,  and it is to this day a nightmarish memory.

It  reminds me of my visit to the Imperial War Museum in London. When
you  enter, at first you are quite upbeat: Wow, there's a German Tiger
tank  just like in the movies. And look there! There's a Spitfire
fighter, and  so-on. But eventually the sheer overload of witnessing the
various ways  man has invented to massacre his fellows really starts to
wear you  down. Oddly, the most disturbing exhibits were from a World
War One  display which had authentic home-made (trench-made) knuckle
dusters and  such-like primitive weapons. It was warfare reduced to a
close-combat  gang fight - primitive, brutal and elemental. I was
seriously depressed  when I left!

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