Thank you for that additional information, Share. I have always loved formulas, 
or relationships expressed mathematically. They serve as an awesome foundation 
for further questions. I'll have to look for what you mentioned, in Maharishi's 
translation of the BG.

---In, <> wrote:

 Doc, I think it's very cool how you've applied this to technology and possible 
futures. And it's fascinating in comparison to Maharishi's 1971 audio tape 
Overcoming Problems in which he explains that the 15 fundamental problems of 
life found in Chapter 2 of the Gita can be generated by combining the 3 gunas 
with the 5 mahabhutas. He actually begins to list them on the tape: a sattvic 
problem in prithivi; a sattvic problem in jala; a sattvic problem in tejas. 
Since prithivi or earth would be considered tamasic, it's interesting that in 
this context he does combine sattwa and tamas. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...>
 Sent: Monday, October 7, 2013 5:16 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: A vision of Fairfield's future?
   Yes, and also remember in the Gita, that there are just four valid 
combinations, of the three gunas (sattva, rajas, and tamas), out of a possible 
six. From the bottom: TR, RT, RS, and SR, with TS and ST not possible. So, 
given that the current trend (last 3,000 years, or so) seems to be technical 
advancement, as a result of war - the TR, and RT combos, there must also be a 
way to advance technically, without war, hence the RS, and SR combinations. 
That means, theoretically, anyway, killing, even expressed as The Song Of God, 
is not always physically necessary. Tamas, in the RT and TR combinations, is 
like water on the gears of manifestation, Rajas, and begins to slow momentum 
quickly, through rust. Sattva, in the RS and SR combinations, is like oil. It 
lowers friction, and speeds progress. In terms of here, that means that if 
human consciousness can be shifted from a Tamasic motive force, to a Sattvic 
one, we can continue to progress, with our modern conveniences, and technical 
advances, without quickly, or slowly, blowing ourselves up. 
 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote: Pretty much 
guaranteed with that kind of mindset. 
 Share wrote: And Doc, let us not forget that the Gita occurs on a battlefield 
with Lord Krishna exhorting Arjuna not only to fight, but to kill! Convinces me 
even further that this planet is designed for mixing light and dark. 





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