Jason, my guess is that some psychiatrists speak about brain chemistry 
imbalances so that a prescription drug can be presented as the best solution. I 
actually think brain chemistry is an underpinning of mental illness. But I also 
think there are natural solutions that can be effective and without so many 
harmful side effects.

On Friday, October 11, 2013 4:12 AM, Jason <jedi_sp...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> ---"awoelflebater" , <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> Typical, I add a link and it clicks but takes you nowhere. 
> You'll have to just do it the hard way:
> http://www.calgaryherald.com/health/Dozens+mental+disorders 
> +exist/9011120/story.html 
> BTW, I was given a preview of some new 'look' on neo today 
> on my computer at work. It is quite different from the one 
> we have all been using the last few weeks. It seems much 
> better...but we'll see. 
> http://www.calgaryherald.com/health/Dozens+mental 
> +disorders+exist/9011120/story.html 

It's now viewed in scientific circles, that Psychiatry is 
going through the same stage of development as physics 
before Newton or biology before Darwin.

IMO, a lot of breakthroughs are needed in the future, get a 
clear understanding of the mechanics of mind-brain interface 
and its functioning.

Dr. V.S. Ramachandran says the next step is to map the 
mental illness onto the neural pathways of the brain itself.



"Above all, psychiatrists need to be more honest with their 
patients, he believes. "They shouldn't tell people their 
illness is caused by a chemical imbalance when there is no 
evidence this exists. Psychiatry has little knowledge of the 
underlying processes governing mental health and it should 
not pretend otherwise." 


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