for those who may not know, streak o lean is fat taken from the back of the hog 
- fat back is the pure fat, streak o lean is about 90% fat with a just a thin 
streak of lean meat running through the middle of the fat. The MD ladies are 
wanting some mighty bad in their rice and dhal even if they don't know it.
On Wed, 10/16/13, Richard Williams <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ritam
 To: "Richard J. Williams" <>
 Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 1:39 PM
       Now that's better - I was
 beginning to think I was dealing with retards on this
 discussion group. I'm glad to see that at least someone
 has some real integrity left in them. Keep up the good work
 - let's really make these TMers look stupid. That
 religious group up in Iowa needs to be exposed and stamped
 out fer sure. You are one of the most interesting fink
 informers on this list. Thanks for all the info who ever you
 On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at
 5:55 PM, Michael Jackson <>
       I had a ritam today - I saw myself in the Mother
 Divine and Purusha kitchens, putting about a pound and a
 half of streak o'lean in their mung dhal - I saw then
 all eat the dhal, with basmati rice of course and then every
 one of them got enlightened, thanks to me and streak

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