Your incessant harping and bitching about the TM whatever, just pegs my BS 
meter - What are you distracting from? 'cuz this shit is old. really old. 
spiderwebs, and dust, and pigeon poop. What is behind that old grey mask, dude?

---In, <> wrote:

 My question back to you, is, what delusion are you masking, by exposing this 
one, constantly?

 Just sayin'...


---In, <> wrote:

 --- In, wrote:
> Look, in this the new millennium, the TM movement Boards 
> of Trustees and Councils are going to have to rise up and 
> actively look-out for the movement business, the Knowledge, 
> and even look out for Nader Ram as Maha administrator 
> sovereign of TM too. They may have to change their thinking. 

 For those who thought my citation of was too
strong, try to "step back" from all your decades of
programming and look at the above. 

Buck seems to believe that we're now in a "new 
millennium," clearly due to the influence of a few
butt-bouncers in a small town in the backwaters of
Iowa. He further seems to believe that the made-up
titles and positions of "Trustee" or "Council" actually
*mean* something. He feels so strongly that the view
of life and the world propounded by these made-up
organizations is so important as to be capitalized as

He then goes on to call a guy whose real name is
Tony Nader by another made-up name ("Nader Ram")
and suggests another made-up title and position for 
him, " Maha administrator sovereign of TM."

Try, just for a moment, to look at all of this without
all the decades of TM conditioning. If you encountered
someone on the street talking like this, wouldn't you
consider them a candidate for megalomania?

Just sayin'...

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