
 A Dominican priest, who heads a hospice center here in the Bay Area, stated 
that 90 percent of us will know when death is near.  So, he's saying that for 
most of us, we can prepare for death.  But he didn't say that euthanasia is the 

 IMO, death is a rite of passage that should be respected in a natural way, and 
not hastened by unnatural means.  It is a transforming experience both for the 
dying person and the family members.  But it obviously is not a pleasant one.


---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

 CULTURE: ā€œIā€™m looking for early symptoms of acceptance of euthanasia, which I 
believe will creep in as we Baby Boomers become more and more of a burden.ā€
 'Sympathy for the euthanists'
 Posted by Ann Althouse:
 On 10/16/2013 9:23 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote:
 Based on historical records, it's apparent that the family unit is the best 
natural way to maintain or improve the quality of people in a given society. 
There is no doubt that genetics are involved in some individuals who excel in 
science, business or sports.  As such, the natural way of selection is promoted 
to let people enjoy the quality of life that is most beneficial for the entire 
 IMO, this is the reason why eugenics, as practiced by the Nazi's and some 
people here in the USA, won't work as it would interfere with nature's 
functioning.  Similarly, this is the reason why Osho's experiment of having a 
communal family didn't work.  
<> wrote:
 Re "Thus, there is a strong argument for having a cohesive family unit in 
order to have a stable population in any country.": 
 That makes good sense . . . but would you *completely* rule out a genetic 
component in this case? It's such a controversial minefield, and - rather like 
global warming - you need to invest so much effort into studying the relevant 
data that I can't be bothered. I'd keep an open mind though.
<> wrote:
 According to Wikipedia, the Jewish population is only about 2 percent of the 
entire US population.  But they do appear to have many successful people in 
this country, including Einstein and Barbara Streisand.  IMO, it shows that the 
Jewish families encourage their children to be successful in whatever field 
they choose to work in.
 Thus, there is a strong argument for having a cohesive family unit in order to 
have a stable population in any country.  If the family unit is in disarray, 
guess what would happen to the entire country?
<cardemaister@...> mailto:cardemaister@... wrote:
 I'm afraid without Abraham's descendants US might be way worse off, or stuff.
 In scientific documentaries from the US of A, usually at least a half of the 
experts interviewed appear to have Jewish family names?? 
<> wrote:
 Would you believe Russia is on top of this list?  And, the USA is only on the 
5th place.  But the US has a secret weapon by offering "Genius" visas to the 
best and brightest from countries around the world.

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