When someone who is super rich says that they don't have enough money, that 
doesn't seem just mentally ill to me, that seems criminally insane!

On Monday, October 21, 2013 10:51 AM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Stalin invented redistribution of wealth?  He was crazy dictator.  What part of 
"failed version of socialism" did you not understand?  Go look at some of the 
Scandinavian countries instead.

Why can't we lift up the poor?  Lack of resources.  Beside
      Americans lived a "phony dream" of wealth by putting themselves
      excessively in debt.  

And aren't you contradicting yourself?  You've been talking about
      "the rent is too damn high", cutting the cable and cheap
      entertainment alternatives.  Seems to me you are trying to
      simplify your life.

Don't you think the Koch brothers are a bit mentally ill when they
      say they don't have enough money?  Maybe they're testing the
      waters to see how stupid Americans can be.  We talk about the
      minimum wage, how about a "maximum wage."  Nobody is a "magic
      person" so why do they pay company CEOs so much?

Either that or you are living in a fantasy land of "dukes and
      duchesses" who "peasant Willy" bows down to.

On 10/21/2013 07:12 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

>A kind of Stalinist redistribution of wealth? Instead of grinding anyone down, 
>why not lift up the poor? My idea is to let everyone get rich so there are no 
>poor people - anyone should be able to earn as much money as they want to - 
>free market enterprise.
>On 10/20/2013 9:37 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
>>I think Lenin meant the "elite rich" when he was talking about "the 
>>bourgeoisie" because Russians had become so oppressed that everyone else (the 
>>proletariat) were simple laborers.  We don't quite have that (yet) in the US. 
>> The class struggle in the US is the small number of the elite rich who have 
>>hoarded most of the wealth and are trying to destroy the middle class to turn 
>>them into the "proletariat." 
>>Fine with me and a lot of other middle class folks if
                  we "grind the bourgeoisie" (the obscenely rich) down.
>>And you lived in the Eastern Block, correct?  IOW, a
                  failed version of socialism.
>>On 10/20/2013 06:06 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>>The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of 
>>>taxation and inflation. Vladimir Lenin
>>>---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
>>>It's meant to be a flop. This is just a transitional stage to a single payer 
>>>health care system. Think *incremental-ism*. We're heading towards *equality 
>>>for all*. We'll all have a share in mediocrity, which will constantly be 
>>>defined down. If I can't have what you have, I'll make sure you can't have 
>>>it either. We're not evolving, we're devolving, just like the Soviet Union 
>>>did. Soon, government will dictate the *ideal* life span. If your genes take 
>>>you beyond that, then that's not fair and government will have to remedy 
>>>that.If your genes fail to get you to that ideal point then you'll get extra 
>>>help to get you there, at other's expense. Now that's fair, isn't it?
>>>From: Richard J. Williams <punditster@...>
>>>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>>>Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2013 7:35 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] House on Obamacare!
>>>There is one thing we can say about Obama care - it’s a disaster. "...2½ 
>>>weeks after the launch of the “exchanges” that are supposed to be 
>>>ObamaCare’s operational centerpiece, it is clear to almost everyone that 
>>>they are an administrative disaster. In this crisis, there is an 
>>>opportunity: to recognize an impending economic and humanitarian disaster, 
>>>and to act in time to avert or at least minimize it." James Tarranto: 
>>> Four Things We Think We Know About Obamacare: 1. You have until March 31 to 
>>>buy health insurance. 2. The penalty for being uninsured next year is $95. 
>>>3. If the exchanges don’t work, as a last resort, we can always get people 
>>>signed up through call centers. 4. The state exchanges are doing fine. Megan 
>>> On 10/20/2013
 3:02 AM, cardemaister@... wrote:

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