The source of the Sanskrit language is fascinating; "The ancient seers 
correlated the vibrations (bija) of the cerebral forces (Sahasrara Chakra 
7th)with their respective centers (chakras) in the spine. From the seed sounds 
emitted by the action of these vibrations, the rishis evolved the phonetically 
perfect Sanskrit alphabet."

 "In a highly simplified description, it may be said that the fifty letters or 
sounds of the Sanskrit alphabet are on the petals of the sahasrara and that 
each alphabetical vibration in turn is connected with a specific petal on the 
lotuses (chakras) in the spinal centers..." Source, the Bhagavad Gita by Swami 
Yogananda Ch1vs21.

---In, <> wrote:

 At this point I'd say that Hebrew is a more mystical language whereas Sanskrit 
is a more logical and scientific one!


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