---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 What really awes me about Barry's Formula is the projection. You will almost
 always find at least one instance in a given rant of his scornfully accusing
 others of something he frequently does himself--and often, as in this case,
 in the same post in which he makes the accusation.

 I have never seen anybody else do this anywhere near so blatantly, nor so
 completely obliviously. It speaks of a near-total absence of self-knowledge,
 which is quite amazing for someone who has supposedly been on a
 spiritual path (or nonpath) for almost 50 years.















 Ann wrote:

 > Barry's formula:
 > 1) Write some screed peppered with untruths, exaggerations, illogical 
 > conclusions and 
 > irrelevant factoids.
 > 2) Put it out there and to see what happens knowing or not knowing how bogus 
 > or insulting or
 > just plain repetitive it is.
 > 3) Act like you knew exactly what was going to happen as a result (somehow, 
 > in the dustier
 > regions of your brain realizing others with a modicum of sense and 
 > rationality feel it incumbent
 > to address the array of idiocy in your posts) and drag out the usual 
 > suspects in the form of
 > analysis of what the responders were reacting to.
 > 4) Pat yourself on the back for having "gotten" us all with your carefully 
 > laid trap.
 > 5) Pour yourself another beer while oogling the happy, romantic couples at 
 > the next table and
 > imagining that you too could be one of them - if only you weren't so busy 
 > keeping the cretins at
 > FFL in line. 

 I wrote:
 Note that it was Judy who addressed Barry's message, and Barry who tried to 
shoot her for doing so in order to ignore her message. And he's utterly 
oblivious to the blatant projection.

 Barry wrote:
 > This is just an exercise in "Shoot the messenger, so we can ignore
> the message."
> It's pure REACTIVITY, otherwise known as "getting your buttons
> pushed," otherwise known as "getting your panties in a twist."

 Actually it's known as having fun puncturing Barry's incompetent
 attempts at "get the TMO" analysis and his hugely inflated ego.
 > You can tell how MUCH they got their buttons pushed when they
> become so desperate as to try to turn the latter extremely common
> phrase into a sexual aberration as part of their "Shoot the
> messenger" routine. :-)
 Ooooo, got 'im. (Barry often touts the ability to laugh at oneself, but
 he couldn't do it if you put a gun to his head.)
 > It's not as if anyone but the other members of the Mean Girls Club
> pay any attention to them. They're just apologists for Bad Ideas
> and Bad Behavior, not very bright, and given to tantrums of
> reactivity.
 Says Barry, having a tantrum of reactivity--otherwise known as
 Bad Behavior--because his not-very-bright thoughts were shown
 to be Bad Ideas.
 > Me, I just post what I think, and allow them to react.
> It's the oldest dictum of education: Don't describe, *demonstrate*.
> I provide the stimulus, they demonstrate. :-)
 Uh-huh. He really believes this, folks.




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