"nor any sign of Godzilla on the horizon":

 I see Marine Le Pen's National Front is marching ahead in the polls. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 I'm kicking back in a local cafe after a better-than-usual week before a
 major software release. Either this one went fairly smoothly, or I'm
 getting better at dealing with bullshit on a stick, because I don't feel
 stressed out by it all. One more week and our part of the project is
 live, and we can relax for a bit.
 But there are no earthquakes here, nor any sign of Godzilla on the
 horizon, my portable Geiger counter doesn't seem to be signaling any
 alarming levels of radiation, and I get to kick back this weekend
 instead of having to work, as I had expected to have to do. Life is
 It could be better. This quartier I'm living in could, for example, be
 livelier. It's very nice, and upscale and all, but frankly the place
 reminds me of that great line from a Leonard Cohen song, "The place was
 deader than Heaven on a Saturday night."
 But still, I *am* in Paris, and I *am* being paid fairly well to be
 here, so I'm a pretty happy camper. Especially given that Charles
 Bukowski poem I posted recently. There are far worse places to try to be
 creative than sitting in an upscale cafe in Paris.

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