You paid into Medicare and so did I. I only do Medicare A. There are no payments.

On 10/27/2013 07:18 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
You will still have to pay, even if you're not using it.

Inline image 1

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Bhairitu < <>> wrote:

    You and  I already paid. We want the goods!

    On 10/25/2013 10:35 AM, Richard Williams wrote:
    You know you have to pay - nothing is free.

    Inline image 1

    On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Bhairitu
    < <>> wrote:

        What's a DMV?  Oh you mean that place I have to go once in a
        blue moon to have my eyes checked?  You don't have to go
        there for tabs and license renewals most of the time.  It's
        all done online.  And BTW, have you checked out how
        California is doing with Obamacare?  Smoothly, the call
        center is in nearby Concord. They hired a couple hundred
        folks out thousands who applied.   Maybe California should be
        a seperate country.  We almost are already.

        On 10/24/2013 06:52 PM, wgm4u wrote:

        Just because a few CEO's make outlandish money, doesn't mean
        we should upend our entire economic system to solve it,
        (like Obama has done with Health Care); some of the greatest
        philanthropists are from the 1 %.

        Instead of taking care of the un-insured in
        particular, Obama and the Dems have decided to re-arrange
        everything, and as a result we've got health care provide by
        the DMV, LOL.

        <> wrote:

        Watch it again.  He talks about the need for incentives. But
        the fact that a CEO can earn up to 380 times what the
average worker in his company gets is of course just crazy. No one is worth that much. What is wrong with the board of
        directors on these companies when it comes to executive
        compensation? Well I think if you take a close look at the
        BOD they will turn out to be cronies of the CEO. Such is the
        scam in gangster run corporations which is the style of
        business these days.

            On 10/24/2013 01:21 PM, wgm4u wrote:

        I don't think the author knows how capitalism works, you
        can't just throw incentive under the bus and expect to have
        a growing economy. He's just another jealous liberal IMO,
        another *utopian* perhaps. Hey, let's grow the pie!
        Capitalism has been show to do that best, bar none!

        <> wrote:

         The point of the video is shocking.  But who is the source
        of the facts being presented?  Assuming that the facts are
        right, the top one percent earners in the USA should be
        taxed more than the middle class.

        But we've already seen that the Republicans are not going
        to raise the taxes for the rich.  They would rather
        shutdown the government and not pay the government debts,
        even if it destroys the country's economy.

        <>, <turquoiseb@...>
        <mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:

        Reposted with the same Subject line with which I found it:

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