Yes, it's weird how consistent I am in reacting negatively to people who 
obfuscate and lie and pretend to be someone they're not, isn't it?

 BTW, here's my first post to that thread:


 Not exactly one of my nastier posts. But Share didn't like being corrected one 
bit and proceeded to emit clouds and clouds of smelly obfuscation and toxic 
reality-avoidance--you know, the usual. What a surprise that she wouldn't get a 
friendly response. What a surprise that she would attempt to mislead us now 
about that thread from September.

 BTW, this wasn't about Share "making this same point" as the ditzy woman from 
the Daily Mail. The point in question with Share was the now-debunked myth she 
was promoting that if you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated. The Daily 
Mail lady didn't mention that; she was just babbling about how she felt and 
(thought she) looked much better when she drank three liters of water a day. In 
fact, contrary to what she claims her doctors told her, there's no earthly 
reason to drink that much water, no evidence at all that it does you any good.

 That was the point I made in the post I linked to above (with references to 
recent research), the point that sent Share into her Mr. Hyde mode.



---In, <> wrote:

 Yeah, Richard, that was definitely weird. Judy had always been so friendly 
before that!

 On Friday, November 1, 2013 9:41 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
 Yeah, I think we had this conversation recently and several nasty comments 
were posted by Judy and Emily about Share making this same point. Go figure.
 "...both told me I should be drinking up to three litres of liquid a day for 
my body to function at its best."
 On 10/31/2013 10:54 AM, cardemaister@... mailto:cardemaister@... wrote:



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