Re "According to John Lennon, Cliff Richard's hit 'Move It',1958, was the first 
authentic rock and roll song. According to John, "before Cliff and the Shadows, 
there had been nothing worth listening to in British music.":
 Yes, that's right - nothing worth listening to in the rock'n'roll genre 
anyway. "Move It" is a neat song but it's crying out for someone with more 
charisma than Cliff Richard to sell it.

 The "Brand New Cadillac" song I linked to is closer in feel to a genuine rock 
classic. I mentioned that Vince Taylor's decline into drug paranoia (speed and 
LSD) was the model for David Bowie's fictional rock star Ziggy Stardust. 
Bowie's album came out in 1972. Here's Vince Taylor singing "Brand New 
Cadillac" in 1979. He carries the song with a certaim amphetamine cool but you 
can see he's on the highway to hell.



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