“We will count ourselves successful only when the problems of Today's world are substantially reduced and eventually eliminated and the educational institutions of every country are capable of producing fully developed citizens.” -Maharishi, from the founding catalog of Maharishi International University, 1974
It is not that these meditators have lived, but that they have so lived...that they offered themselves willingly in a cause vital and dear to humanity; and what is more, a cause they comprehended as such, and looking at it, in all its bearings and its consequences, solemnly pledged to it all that they had and were.... This comprehension of the cause, this intelligent devotion, this deliberate dedication of themselves to duty, they suffered in testimony of their loyalty, faith and love, make these meditators worthy of honor today, not merely that the cause was worthy but that they were worthy. We do not live for self.... We are a part of a larger life, reaching before and after, judged not by deeds done in the body but deeds done in the soul. Look to this day for it is life the very life of life. -Sanskrit poem ,