Your're right of course but when I am continually aware of a bad smell or 
annoying background noise my natural instinct is to make it stop. I have to 
tell you, if I were marooned on a desert island and had a choice of being stuck 
there with either Barry or Dickless I have to say it would be (drumroll) Barry. 
Now that is saying something. At least with Barry I could clonk him on the head 
with a coconut or two and he'd probably shut up. 

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Ann and Seraphita, he's a TROLL. That's his whole shtick, has been since over 
a decade ago back on alt.m.t. He likes to sow confusion and dissension and 
annoyance just for the fun of it. The more you interact with him or even just 
talk about him--positively or negatively--the more trollish he becomes. He 
isn't here for discussion or conversation or to learn anything, and he doesn't 
care what people say about him.

 ---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:

 Richard just wants to be the dictatorial one around here. He makes up 
arbitrary rules and decides what is crap and what isn't. Based, of course, on 
nothing but his need to be heard by someone, by anyone. Maybe no one listens to 
him at home or he is the low man on the totem pole, so to speak, so he has to 
lord it over us here at FFL. Shall we humor him? Nah.

 ---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Don't know why Richard gets so upset about an amusing tidbit about Adolf 
("inflammatory messages"!) but just to say . . . 

 If you're interested in Hitler, send your messages to the Nazi group.  
 Everyone has *some* interest in Hitler surely? If you want to know why the 
world we're living in today is the way it is you need to know about the Nazi 


 If you're a Nazi and an admirer of Hitler, don't send messages about Hitler to 
a spiritual group.
 Can't say I'm much of a fan! But Nazis and spiritual groups aren't as 
incompatible as you (understandably) assume. "Esoteric Nazism" is a term used 
to describe mystical interpretations of Nazism current after 1945. Savitri Devi 
and Miguel Serrano were two prominent advocates and included a lot of ideas 
from eastern religions in the mix. Devi came up with the idea that Hitler had 
been an avatar of Vishnu (!); Serrano was heavily into tantric sex practices. 
Both seem to have been pretty unpleasant characters! There's a link here to an 
interview with Serrano; it's a heady mix of Catharism, Shiva, the Great Mother, 
Islam, the Queen of Sheba, Carl Jung . . . a bewildering stew of esoteric 
ideas. I suspect a lot of this right-wing esotericism is just a "higher" form 
of snobbery. People trying to persuade themselves they're a cut above the 
common folk. I see the piece was translated by "Brother Francis, Franciscan 
Solitary in the Brahmanic Order of Kristos-Lucifer-Wotan" a typically grandiose 
title that reveals the power hunger at the root of these people. The interview 
is not without a certain horrid fascination though.  



 ---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

 It sure didn't take long for this thread to go to shit, so I guess you proved 
my point. But, we're not too big on Hitler style racial profiling down here 
where I live. Apparently that's your style, but it makes you look like someone 
who bases their opinions on birth circumstances - I live in what used to be 
called Mexico. Go figure.
 On 11/13/2013 8:11 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
   Reading Richard, so to speak, is proving a waste of time and very, very 
repetitive. The guy couldn't admit something was worthwhile if he was held at 
gunpoint, which is not beyond the realm of possibility in the place that he 
lives. On the other hand he is giving Buck a run for his money on who is the 
most pedantic and inflexible not to mention broken record-like. Ricky seems to 
have an infinite capacity to scold.
<emilymaenot@...> mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 You'd already worn yourself out conversing with him.  Reading Richard is 
<sharelong60@...> mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
 See how exhausted I was?! I couldn't even construct a sensible sentence! 
 Jeez, Richard, I feel exhausted just reading all these rules!
 On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 12:22 PM, Share Long <sharelong60@...> 
mailto:sharelong60@... wrote:
   Jeez, Richard, I feel exhausted to reading all these rules!
 On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:56 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Yeah, I'm with Buck on this one. There's probably no need to send anonymous, 
nonsensical posts about Adolph Hitler's face hair to a spiritual discussion 
group. Maybe it's time to review a few netiquette protocols:
 1. Don't send inflammatory messages to the discussion group.
 2. Make sure to send your message to the appropriate group.
 3. Try to make yourself look good on the internet.
 Notes: Send messages about Hitler to the Nazi group; send messages about 
Hitler's face hair to the Veterans Day thread; don't send messages about planes 
to the locomotive group. Make yourself look good by sending thoughtful or 
insightful messages about the topic at hand and try to stay on topic.  Try to 
be original and informative.
 On 11/13/2013 9:28 AM, Share Long wrote:
   Ahem, Richard, your post seems to be one of those one liners you rant about. 
Go figure!
 On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:32 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Addressing the important issues!
 On 11/12/2013 9:39 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
   Hitler preferred a curly "Prussian" style moustache but was ordered to clip 
it during WWI so that it would fit under the gas masks introduced to defend 
against British mustard-gas attacks.
 Didn't save the bastard though: he was blinded in a Brit gas attack in 1918.



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