Smokey egg dip from the original recipe in the 1963 Better Homes and Gardens (where my sister got it):

Nabisco used to make a bacon flavored cracker that went great with it.

On 11/29/2013 09:41 AM, Share Long wrote:
The niece and nephew with young children went elsewhere so it was kind of quiet at my sister's. But it was great for interesting conversations. My oldest nephew commented on that and I agreed. His daughters are my sister's oldest grandchildren. They're 21, 19 and 17.

 What is smokey egg dip?

On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:09 AM, Bhairitu <> wrote: I picked the lemons to get them off the tree. There is a crop of very young lemons coming on. The lemons are very popular the rels make lemon bars and lemon pie with them. We had a small gathering, just my nephew, his wife, two sons, his dad and her brother. My nephew fixed an excellent turkey dinner. I sometimes take smokey egg dip but I didn't get enough forewarning to do that so I just picked up a spinach and an artichoke dip at the store as well as some sourdough baguettes to cut up and serve with them. The spinach dip is very popular with my two great nephews but the artichoke dip went over well too. The chain store does both dips very well so much so I think would be hard to make better ones from scratch.

On 11/29/2013 08:43 AM, Share Long wrote:
noozguru, that world's slowest Starbuck's made me smile. But nice to have a sunny day. Curious what all the lemons were for! When I first arrived in Annapolis it rained cats and dogs were 2 days straight and the traffic here is horrendous anyway. Adventures in the big, bad city (-:

On Thursday, November 28, 2013 1:00 PM, bhairitu <> <> wrote: So much for rain today (which was forecast). I was also fairly overdressed to sit out on this patio. I had not planned to stop at "the world's slowest Starbucks" but they did not appear that busy from the parking lot. I had gone to the store to pick up some supplies for hors d'oeuvres and decided to treat myself. And wouldn't you know it about as soon as I wanted to take a picture someone comes out the door. And after I got back I picked large bunch of lemons to take to my nephew's who is hosting today.

Happy Turkey (or tofurky) Day!

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