OTOH, that might be the LAST password anyone would have tried. Reminds me the web site for the local paper had an article on the Orwellian CCTV system the police put in with a picture of the command center. I noticed that there was a post-it at the top of one of the monitors. Zoomed in on the picture and there was the password! :-D

On 11/29/2013 08:41 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

That's eight zeros above, not "OOOOOOOO." "OOOOOOOO" is what you say when you learn that the launch codes to much of America's nuclear arsenal were set to for many years during the Cold War to eight zeros. Makes you feel all warm and comfy knowing that, doesn't it? :-)


"So to recap, for around 20 years, the Strategic Air Command went out of their way to make launching a nuclear missile as easy, and quick, as possible."

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