I think "historically" is the wrong word to use. History has completely 
forgotten early TM research, mostly because it wasn't very good. A similar 
question mark is frequently raised about new TM research. But it does do 
something, and it does get published. Whether that something is the best thing 
ever remains to seen. Big time.

 The collected papers also contains stuff about how groups of people hopping up 
and down causes outbreaks of peaceful behaviour in human societies, and at a 
distance! Certainly important, if it was true. You may want to remove the word 
"scientific" from those papers. Other than that....

 It's a good game though, my vote for the most pivotal books of the last 
century would be, "The selfish gene" By Richard Dawkins, "Lila" by Robert 
Persig, "QED, the strange theory" by Richard Feynman and erm..."The fabric of 
reality" by David Deutsch.

 You can learn lot from those, genuinely original and groundbreaking stuff. 
Will probably think of a much better list in a minute though.....

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:

  It should be quite fairly said in summation that one of the historically more 
pivotal and important books published in the 20th Century was, Scientific 
Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program Collected Papers Volume I 
(1976). The “Collected Papers” though not as well known as the Auto-biography 
of a Yogi (1946) or Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (1966) though none 
the less, the Collected Papers (1976) was similarly transforming in scope.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <Buck> wrote:

 “Given the strength of these results, their consistency with the positive 
results of previous research, the grave human and financial costs of violent 
crime, and the lack of other effective and scientific methods to reduce crime, 
policy makers are urged to apply this approach on a large scale for the benefit 
of society.” 
 Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on 
Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC: Results of the National 
Demonstration Project, June-July 1993 
Published in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program 
Collected Papers Volume I (1976) 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <Buck> wrote:

 Well you see, according to the science, having numbers of people meditating 
together does evidently matter. Numbers and proximity. That makes a lot of 
sense in my experience too. 

 Like, just look at the science on meditation now. Folks here should sober up 
really quick. Farmers are practical scientists and as an Iowa farmer I must 
make decisions all the time everyday based on the science of nature. By science 
it seems it is certainly time for a Compulsory National Service Campaign 
towards creating a compulsory peace between us and nature, by everyone taking 
the quiet time for meditating. Every day twice a day. 
 I feel people who would reject this are anti-social in the least.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <Buck> wrote:

 Frankly, I can't see why people would live here in Fairfield, Iowa and not go 
to the Domes to meditate. That, not making the time in life to meditate in the 
Dome with the group, is just an incredibly lost opportunity in a lifetime.

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