---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Re "Socialist programs such as bailing out the big banks":

 Bailing out failing businesses isn't capitalism red in tooth and claw!

 It was the Labour government in the UK that bailed out the banks over here.

 Here's the thing: when facing bankruptcy, the head of Lehmann's in the US went 
to the state to ask for a bailout and was thunderstruck when his request was 
denied. But in cut-throat capitalism you don't bail out failing businesses. Why 
did he expect to be bailed out?  Because what we have now in the West is crony 
capitalism and corporatism where the politicians and finance leaders have 
cozied up to each other. 


 ---In, <noozguru@...> wrote:

 Socialist programs such as bailing out the big banks or wars of empire to 
protect "American (corporate) interests?" Wanna buy a bridge, Mike?
 I don't know if the fascist Margaret Thatcher said that but the rich found it 
to be true especially after they had robbed most of the middle class of their 
 I'll agree that Congress is drunk on spending just to get re-elected. Career 
politicians are obsolete and need to be deprecated.
 BTW, the Internet seems to be wanky today due to "Cyber Monday". Even 
returning a disc at Redbox was a bit slow. One of my email accounts doesn't 
seem to be getting the message to put the read messages in trash while the 
email account I use for here is late in delivery and putting the FFL emails in 
the trash bin even though they hadn't been downloaded!
 --- In, 
Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
 > That 17 trillion national debt comes mainly from socialistic programs, not 
 > capitalism. Was it Margaret Thatcher that said "The problem with socialism 
 > is, sooner or later, you run out of other peoples money to spend". American 
 > politicians have over- spent the wealth capitalism has produced in order to 
 > get re-elected.
 > On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:33 PM, "s3raphita@..." <s3raphita@...> wrote:
 > Â  
 > Re"American capitalism has created more wealth than any other economic 
 > system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty than any 
 > other system.":
 > That is undeniably true. The problem is that you (Yanks) now have debt equal 
 > to $17 trillion. There is no way you can pay that debt off; there is no way 
 > you can deliberately introduce controlled inflation to devalue the sum. You 
 > are at the mercy of the international financial system. 
 > Income inequality in both the US and UK is now at levels not seen since the 
 > early decades of the 20th century. The real villain is globalisation. 
 > Companies can run rings around national governments as they have branches in 
 > many countries and can avoid tax in all places except the one country that 
 > offers them the lowest rates. It's a nightmare and these multinationals are 
 > effectively outside any democratic control. Â  
 > ---In, 
 > <noozguru@> wrote:
 > That is "revisionist history", Mike.  The original founding fathers had a 
 > bad taste in their mouth from capitalism in the form of the British East 
 > India Company.  The founding fathers believed in a "commons."  You 
 > maintain the commons with government.  That's what government is for. It's 
 > for the things we all share.  And if we don't want homeless living in our 
 > commons then were need to do things to keep people from becoming homeless.  
 > A lot of today's homeless are not there because they don't want to work but 
 > because there is no work or means of income for them.
 > I have a revision of that Luke 19 thang you referenced.  The third
 > guy didn't spend the money his boss gave him because  the other
 > two guys invested in derivatives and were about to lose all that
 > profit.  He would still have money. :-D 
 > On 12/01/2013 05:53 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
 > > 
 > Â  
 > >Yet *trickle down*Â  capitalism has been the story of America since it's 
 > >inception. American capitalism has created more wealth than any other 
 > >economic system and with that wealth has lifted more people out of poverty 
 > >than any other system and come to the aid of those in dire straights to 
 > >lift them up as well. Would the middle -east, China or India be in the 
 > >economic situation they are in today had it not been for Americans spending 
 > >their wealth, investing in and buying their goods and services ?  
 > >Capitalism creates wealth, socialism just divides it up.  You can't be 
 > >charitable if you have nothing to give. The Pope may be compassionate, but 
 > >he's down right ignorant. 
 > >
 > >
 > >

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