Totally cool singing with music and seems effective core activating 
spiritually. Would make great background music in airports or on elevators.  
Like with the TM mantras I don't know what the words mean which evidently is 
part of the point but there is quite a lot of shakti activation there between 
the voice and instrumentation.

 Hear Yifuxero's Youtube link below


---In, <yifuxero@...> wrote:

 (basic rationale can also be applied to Christianity but without much 
success). ...
 I made a quick inventory of what elements make programs successful, restricted 
to Traditions derived or evolved from (what Westerners call): Hinduism, and 
Buddhism; also inclusive of Indian subcontinent Traditions in which there is no 
expressed allegiance to any other lineage; but which obviously are related to 
typically "religious" groups.  
 Examples: MMY and the various TM programs: (basically technique oriented with 
ritualistic overtones derived from a "Holy Tradition"; so we include and 
examine this in the light of the checklist I came up with.:

 1. Devotion - to a Guru or Deity
 2. Shakti ( Shakti present ? (You'll have to use your Shakti meter on 
this one!)
 3. Rituals
 4. An ancient language capable of acting as a "carrier" for the Shakti, such 
as Skt, Sino-Japanese, Hebrew, etc...
 5. Mantras: repeated silently, outloud, or as japa....
 ....5b. also includes the mechanism of repeating the mantra such as degree of 
"hard" concentration, etc.
 6. Breathing techniques with activation of the chakras
 7. Group programs available? (may include you-tube presentations)
 8. Regular practices leading to goals
 9. an "elevated" Guru preferably without moral blemish.
 10. Yagyas designed to mitigate bad karma.
 Now we can select some groups, then evaluate them in light of the checklist.
 I note - on mantras, MMY's programs are deficient in japa, whereas SSRS 
recommends the repetition of the Gayatri Mantra.  The TMO doesn't object to the 
devotional element, which is up to the individual. On the downside, the TMO may 
likewise miss out on the opportunity to strongly support one devotional icon as 
opposed to others.  On the latter basis coupled with #9, Christianity has 
basically taken over 1/3 of the world without having strong contributions in 
some of the other places.
 In regard to Christianity, I'd say that on the whole, it's woefully indequate, 
particularly in the Shakti category. However, there's plenty of emotional 
enthusiasm in some of the Christian sections, particularly among the 
Evangelicals.  However, an abundance of emotional enthusiasm is no substitute 
for the Shaki that allows for "transcendence".
 In my experience, the most intense Shakti site is the Ramakrishna Temple in 
Hollywood, CA.
 The evil sects can also be evaluated using the checklist, with probable 
failure in the moral development of the leader.  However, even with minor moral 
deficiencies, some Traditions can be quite successful,.....up to a point!..


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