Judy, whatever you think I'm doing or not doing, have done or not done, simply 
proceed as you want.

On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 4:33 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
<authfri...@yahoo.com> wrote:
It's not a "summary," Share, it's my entire post to you on Sunday proving that 
you made those false statements, with a little introduction added. And as I 
told you, "initial response" makes no sense in this context. The post in 
question--the one you told falsehoods about--was my initial response to you.

Nor is it a matter of one thing "outweighing" some other thing. You told 
falsehoods about me with malicious intent; I have never, ever told falsehoods 
about you.

And one more time: It isn't a matter of "agreement" either, as I also pointed 
out to you. It is not a matter of opinion that you told falsehoods, it's a 
matter of verified fact. The only issue is how long you're going to try to fend 
off taking responsibility for the falsehoods. The longer you take, the worse 
you look.

This is a life lesson for you, Share, one you have apparently never learned in 
your 66 years on this planet, at least from the evidence of your participation 
on FFL: When you are publicly caught in an untruth, it's better to own up to it 
as soon as possible instead of letting it hang over your head indefinitely.

Share shilly-shallied:

> Judy, just fyi, I'm still at my Mom's in Annapolis and as yet, there's no 
> Dome here! I haven't been reading all your posts so thanks for the summary. 
> As I told Emily, your initial response and your continuing harassment more 
> than outweigh what you posted from the archive imo. We are never going to 
> agree about this. All we can do is proceed or not on that basis.

On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 3:47 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
So Share, you've had another full day and two Dome programs to think about 
whether you'd like to get this issue out of your hair, or whether you want to 
prolong it indefinitely.

What's your decision? Do you want me to keep posting the proof that you told 
falsehoods about my September 9, 2012, post, or would you prefer to just admit 
to having done so and be done with it?

Remember, everybody here knows that you told those falsehoods, because they've 
seen the evidence. It's not as if they're going to start doubting that you did 
it if you don't cop to it. They're just going to think: She did it, and she 
refuses to take responsibility for it.

At any rate, here's the evidence, again, from my post to you on Sunday:


OK, Share, let's see if you can both listen and reply to this post, which is 
about some unfinished business from yesterday that we need to deal with.

In a post to Barry, you wrote:

> Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012.

As I've already noted, this is not true. We had clashed well before September 9.

But this is what I want to discuss with you today, since you didn't respond to 
what I told you yesterday. You wrote:

> She said that I did such and such in my post to RWC. She
> did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds like or
> even I think.

In fact, I said:

"After all the lovely conversations you'd had with
him, covering a wide range of themes, that you had
decided you were going to "suspend communications"
altogether because of a single remark sure sounded
like you had felt seriously insulted."


"Because this post sure doesn't sound to me as
though you want to do anything but beat up on Robin,
even after he's taken the blame on himself for *your*
misunderstanding and apologized at length."

Then you wrote:

> Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. She just 
> declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my 
> head and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling.

In fact, I said:

"And now you seem to feel even more seriously
insulted that he's left you a public apology."


"I couldn't figure out either what your problem
was with what he had said."


"For the life of me, I can't see why you're being so

Now, let's see if you can bring yourself to acknowledge that what you claimed 
yesterday about my September 9 post was not true. (Let's just look at what you 
said about it yesterday, and not try to avoid that issue by shifting attention 
to the merits of the arguments back then, OK?)

For your convenience, here's the link to my September 9 post so you can check 
to make sure I haven't misquoted either you or myself:


It was crammed with qualifiers and expressions of uncertainty, entirely 
contrary to your characterization of it yesterday. And it wasn't even a nasty 

I'm betting you can't do it, Share. I don't think you have the intestinal 
fortitude to confess to your untruthfulness, even with the evidence right in 
front of your eyes, even knowing it's in front of everyone else's eyes here as 

Goodness knows this wasn't the first or the only time you've misrepresented 
what someone else has said in an attempt to make them look bad and yourself 
appear to be a blameless victim. It's just such a clear-cut case, and you 
brought it on yourself. Your post yesterday was an entirely gratuitous slam, 
piling on to a long list of dishonest statements of Barry's about me.

I "ran my number" on you? No, babe, you ran your number on me.

As Ann pointed out to you:

"Share, take a moment and have a care. You are moving into some dangerous 
territory for yourself as an individual and as a human being. Be careful that 
you do not use the mistaken and erroneous notions of your faux friend Barry and 
your well-intentioned but not-really-helping-you associate Feste to launch into 
this head space of yours. I don't think it is a healthy one or somewhere that 
is characterized by what is real or what is true."

Share wrote, oblivious to the irony:

> Nice, turq, and I'd add: we often listen with the intention to reply and by 
> replying, *improve* our fellow humans any way we can, whether they want to be 
> *improved* or not! Of course this doesn't apply much to the Funny Farm Lounge 
> (-:

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