Fast food. High fat, sodium and refined carbs. It's every where, easy to get 
and cheap.

On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 2:25 AM, TurquoiseB <> wrote:
Interesting GIF. The cooler (light blue, blue) colors are better, because they 
indicate a smaller percentage of the population clinically overweight. The 
warmer colors (tan, orange, brown) indicate the opposite, with 20-30% of the 
population overweight:

Here's the article:

And here's what America will look like, given the same trends, in 2030. But 
notice the 'legend' explaining the percentage assigned to each color. Light 
blue now starts at 20% overweight, orange now starts at 50% overweight, and the 
darkest 'warm' color now represents 60-100% overweight. 


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