
 You did an excellent job in researching this document.  My reaction to 
Clinton's testimony is that he said nothing about nothing.  He did a masterful 
job of making this deposition unacceptable as evidence in the court of law.  He 
used a lot of hypothetical phrases and denied any idea that he had a sexual 
relationship with Ms. Lewinsky.

 Clinton also knew that a federal judge has no jurisdiction over a civil case 
(this is my understanding, but you check check the law on this one). That's 
why, I believe, he volunteered to participate in this deposition. The whole 
exercise was not admissible in the court of law.

 In addition, it was notarized which means that there is no contract of 
anything (according to David Wynn in the video).  Thus, the document has no 
legal bearing.


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