Massive Hacker Attack!

According to SpiderLabs, "...'123456’ was the most widely used password and
‘password’, ‘123,’ and ‘111111’ were also among the top entries. Three of
the most used passwords are 'password', 'sex' and 'god', not particularly
in that order. Admins love to use 'god' as their password- it gives them a
feeling of power.

So, let's review some password protocols:

1. Do not use the same password for all your online activities.
2. Use a seven word combination of letters, numbers, and symbols for your
password with at least one letter in caps.
3. Do NOT write down your password down on a Post-it note and affix it  to
your computer monitor.
4. Never reveal your password to anyone, including your significant other.
5. Change you password frequently - at least once a month, in order to be
on the safe side.
6. DO IT NOW - don't wait until tomorrow to change your password.

"Two million passwords for social media and email accounts have been
released online by hackers, IT security experts have discovered."

Metro UK:<>

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:27 AM, Richard Williams <>wrote:

> The programmer is God and Hackers are the prophets of Information
> Technology.
> So, if you are a hacker, it would be evil to not share your data and your
> code with the rest of the world, to save mankind from ignorance - a moral
> imperative for the hacker. The hacker's world view is libertarian- they
> believe that powerful individuals are taking over the Internet and
> controlling our thoughts through the media, violating our privacy. All the
> while posting reams of information about themselves. Go figure.
> "Because he knows the power of the technology he has mastered, he knows
> how distressingly fragile the barrier is between freedom and
> censorship—it’s a simple matter of who writes the code. Underlying it all
> was the hacker belief that the world could be perfected if enough of us
> tapped society’s vast reserves of knowledge and put it to proper use."
> Read more:
> 'So Open It Hurts'
> What the Internet did to Aaron Swartz
> New Republic:
> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Richard Williams <>wrote:
>> Reuters - A computer hacker was sentenced on Monday to three years and
>> five months in prison for stealing the personal data of about 120,000 Apple
>> Inc iPad users, including big-city mayors, a TV network news anchor and a
>> Hollywood movie mogul...
>> 'U.S. computer hacker gets three-and-a-half years for stealing iPad user
>> data'
>> On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Richard Williams 
>> <>wrote:
>>> "On Thursday, the 21-year old San Antonio native will enter La Tuna
>>> Federal Correction Institute in Anthony, TX to begin a one-year and one day
>>> sentence for breaching Sony Pictures Entertainment in May 2011 as a member
>>> of Anonymous offshoot, LulzSec."
>>> 'The $600,000 Joyride'
>>> San Antonio Current:
>>> On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Richard Williams 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> Let's see, on the one hand we have the personal privacy advocates, like
>>>> Edward Snowden and Wikileak's Julian Assange, and the Electronic Frontier
>>>> Foundation.
>>>> And, on the other hand we have social networking sites like Mark
>>>> Zuckerberg's Facebook and micro blogging sites like Evan Williams's
>>>> Twitter.
>>>> And, in the middle we've got the FBI, IRS, CIA, NSA, ATF and the HS.
>>>> And, you got your black hats and your white hats; you got your hackers
>>>> and pirates; and you've got your worms and trojan horses. There's a PC on
>>>> every desk, all running Microsoft Windows software.
>>>> So, now Obama wants you to log on to a government site and enter all
>>>> your personal data. Go figure.
>>>> "It also represents a dangerous normalization of ‘governing in the
>>>> dark,’ where decisions with enormous public impact occur without any public
>>>> input."
>>>> 'Snowden Says He Took No Secret Files to Russia'
>>>> New York Times:

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