Re "[Jim] was an alcoholic/drug addict and he died of it.":


 The puzzling question is why? Most people "lead lives of quiet desperation and 
go to the grave with the song still in them". We dream of having it all - 
critical and popular acclaim; devoted, attractive lovers; money no problem; . . 
.  Alas we don't make the grade - but we do cling to the dream. And, after all, 
we just *might* win the lottery; have cosmetic surgery; discover our own genius 
. . .

 Could it be the case that people who *do* make it discover that it's not what 
it's cracked up to be and so is not fulfilling? They realise with crystal-clear 
clarity that we've all been hoodwinked into chasing a chimera. Perhaps those 
who reach that point then have no other option but to reach for the bottle and 
the syringe to escape the emptiness that gnaws at their soul.

 And what's the root cause? Surely the point is that we are looking for 
something that will gratify the self. But the self doesn't exist! It's an 
illusion. What doesn't exist obviously can't be gratified hence the escalating 
desperation of our hedonistic culture.



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