Abstracting paraphrase reports,  Almost overnight, ..has morphed from mentor to 
"anti-revolutionary" criminal outcast,
 .this could be seen as the latest in a series of carefully calibrated moves to 
demonstrate control, yet another sign of authority, assertion of dependence.
 ..is reported to have been stripped of all his positions and expelled from the 
 "Ideologically sick and extremely idle and easy-going, he used drugs and 
squandered currency at casinos while he was receiving medical treatment in a 
foreign country under the care of the party," the report said. 

 It added that he had "improper relations" with several women and "was wined 
and dined at back parlours of deluxe restaurants".  

 Dealing with “Neganauts” :
 Rare moments like these are perhaps the closest we'll come, at least for now, 
to observing directly the workings of the state..
 News of his dismissal filtered out last week along with reports that two of 
his close aides had been executed for corruption. It is unclear when these 
latest images date from.


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