From now on, Barry, we will expect to see no metaphors in your posts, lest 
folks suspect you're a con man trying to mislead them because you know they're 
too stupid to tell the difference between metaphor and reality.

 Hope eschewing metaphors doesn't, er, cramp your style.

 "Thibodeau recommends giving more thought to the metaphors you use and hear, 
especially when the stakes are high. 'Ask in what ways does this metaphor seem 
apt and in what ways does this metaphor mislead,' he says."

 Barry proclaimed:
 > > To *convince* you of something, dummy. That's why spiritual teachers and 
 > > other con men use them. Why do you think Jesus talked in parables? Duh. 
 > > Why did Maharishi try to link the mechanics of TM to "watering the root" 
 > > and "drawing the arrow back in the bow?" Because they intuitively knew 
 > > that your mind was too stupid to tell the difference between the 
 > > metaphor/analogy/parable and reality, that's why. > > 

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