Well, c'mon now, Ann, it's not as if Barry ever suggested that mainstream 
science was any more than adolescent twaddle. I mean, he's been rock-solid 
consistent about mainstream science having its head up its ass, just like the 
rest of us. Can't call him a hypocrite on that score, no siree bob.
Ann observed:

 > > Oh Barry, how you really hate the human race. You are constantly irritated 
 > > and upset by how stupid everyone is and how different you are from the 
 > > rest of the blathering, naive masses. The mere idea that you espouse of 
 > > there having been no creation or creator and that those who believe in 
 > > such silliness are simply too pathetic to live is giving me my first 
 > > chuckle of the day. That is like saying the beer you buy at your local bar 
 > > had no creator, was not created, always existed because by the time you 
 > > get to your table and order it it just magically appears from some back 
 > > room. You weren't there to witness the brewing, you didn't see who 
 > > harvested the hops or who put it all in a big vat or who bottled it but 
 > > you are drinking it nevertheless at that very moment just like you are 
 > > living life at this very moment. You weren't there at the beginning of 
 > > that either just like you weren't there for the brewing of the beer so 
 > > what makes them different? It is like anyone who believes in some higher 
 > > force or, horror of horrors, God makes them in some way simpletons. The 
 > > inability to conceive of creation before it existed or to somehow be able 
 > > to hold the possibility of a personal or even impersonal God in one's 
 > > imagination or heart is the sign, IMO, of a very stunted, very poor man 
 > > indeed. I don't need science or religion to tell me what is what. My 
 > > experiences on this planet and, perhaps, elsewhere have allowed me 
 > > glimpses of such a thing as a creator and what animates that force. > > 

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