Good lord, I should hope he wasn't trying to glorify it. But that he was 
mocking war doesn't change the fact that it degrades a sublime piece of music 
for those who have seen the film.
Bhairitu wrote:

 < < On 12/12/2013 04:36 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 I'm of two minds about the use of existing serious music in films. On one 
hand, at least moviegoers get some exposure to it. On the other, it imposes a 
kind of sentimentality (positive and/or negative) on the music that is not 
native to it and that can impede genuine appreciation. The ultimate horrible 
example, for me, is the use of "Ride of the Valkyries" as background for the 
atrocities portrayed in Apocalypse Now. It's almost impossible to hear the 
music without the mental intrusion of images of helicopters slaughtering 
innocent Vietnamese civilians. Yes, both have to do with battles, but of very 
different types--one mythical and gloriously heroic, the other utterly depraved.
 Coppola was using that piece to mock the war.  Coppola's father was a 
professional musician and composer. > > 

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