Re "On my walks I listen to streams on my smart phone rather than AM or even FM 
 I'm illiterate as far as new technology goes. Is it that you can access the 
internet on a smart phone without having to rely on a local wi-fi connexion? So 
you use the phone company's regular signal? If so, doesn't that cost per minute?

 Over here when they dropped the analogue signal for TV transmissions and we 
all went digital it meant my hand-held mini-TV receiver went in the garbage can 
and there was no equivalent portable digital TV to replace it. 
Re "I love all the big corporations losing their asses on their radio and TV 
 Bring it on. 
 With me it's not so much the profits that alarm me, it's the monopoly on the 
"narrative" we get fed by the MSM. 


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