wgm, one site I visited equated Kama rupa with the astral body. Does that jive 
with what you know?

On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:46 PM, wgm4u <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Kama=Desire,  Rupa=form; i.e. the form of desire or the desire body! Usually 
referred to in the after death state where the unfulfilled desires are left in 
what the Catholics call 'purgatory'. This kama-rupa (as opposed to arupa or 
formless) is the suppository of all your worldly desires, if evil it takes on a 
hideous form and is attracted to hellish conditions, if good the outcome is 
happiness, even heaven or what the theosophists call Devachan.
Noted often in Theosophy and Vedic literature.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

Richard, what do you mean by Kama-rupa?

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:30 PM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> 
Apparently all the TM mantras are feminine aspect mantras. There is no Shiva 
without Shakti. MMY fully supports the yantra as a golden dome, as pure vastu - 
an enclosure to realize pure consciousness; vastu is almost pure Shakti 
symbolism, and represents the universal womb. MMY is a proponent of yantra and 
Indian vastu and that's why the golden dome has an east-facing entrance with a 
nice fence around it - east is the traditional location of Kama-rupa. They 
don't call it "Mother" India for nothing.

A 'yantra' can be any image, two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
      Yantras are tools for facilitating yogic enstasis, that is, a
      meditation that is transcendental. In tantric yoga, there are
      mental techniques and tools, such as mantra and yantra, asana,
      puja, etc., used as aids to meditation. A yantra is any design
      that symbolizes a void with the bindu at the center. Shakti is in
      fact, listed as a progenitor in the Guru Dev puja, right after

"Shaktism's focus on the Divine Feminine does not imply a
      rejection of Masculine or Neuter divinity. However, both are
      deemed to be inactive in the absence of Shakti. As set out in the
      first line of Adi Shankara's renowned Shakta hymn, Saundaryalahari
      (c. 800 CE)..."

Read more:


On 12/15/2013 6:38 PM, yifuxero@... wrote:
>Interesting, but MMY discarded this aspect of Devi worship; thus not following 
>in the footsteps of Guru Dev. I've not encountered any instances of MMY 
>promoting Devi worship, Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra pujas, or for that matter, 
>the knowledge of Tantric symbols, or any related practices, aside silent 
>repetition of the mantras.  No japa or worship of the Sri Yantra, or the 
>Lalitasahasranama. .
>OTOH, Ramana Maharshi - even though regarded as a "pure Advaitin", had regular 
>daily Sri Chakra pujas conducted at his Ashram.  So go figure....MMY is a 
>Sabateur.....effectively putting an end to Devi worship in that particular 

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