This guy's even seen the movie. :-)

I haven't yet, but it IS the
end-of-the-year-trot-out-all-the-award-contenders-season film I look
forward to the most.

I mean, the papers and news websites are all full of paranoia about
Google buying up robotics companies. They're busy trying to spread that
tired old scifi meme about robots and AIs taking over the world and
rendering us humans and our weird biologically-based notions of love

To me, this represents more of a poverty of imagination and creativity
than a threat. If the only thing many people can imagine about
technology is that someday it's going to try to kill them and take over
the world, maybe the world would be better off without them. Having seen
only the trailer for this film, given a choice between spending my time
with people who think like this vs. people like Theodore and Amy
and...yes...Samantha, I'm going to go for the "path with heart" every
fair/ <\

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