Richard, how about Judy set up a macro for everyone she rags on. Then she'd 
have more time for her clients.

On Friday, December 20, 2013 10:02 AM, Richard J. Williams 
<> wrote:
So, why don't you set a macro for Share? LoL!

On 12/20/2013 9:52 AM, wrote:

>See, Share, some might say that the mean-spirited snark in your post not only 
>far outweighs any positive effect of the purported compliment, but suggests 
>that there is actually no genuine positive feeling behind the compliment. All 
>the energy is in the snark; the purported compliment is lifeless.
>IOW, Emily's comment highlighting the snark and ignoring the compliment is far 
>more honest than either your original post or your response here.
>Share whined:
><< See, Emily, imo your post is a form of dishonesty because you leave out the 
>part where I say the tree and photo are lovely. And it's sneaky dishonesty to 
>boot. >>
>On Friday, December 20, 2013 8:53 AM, "emilymaenot@..." <emilymaenot@...> 
>Re: I shall now enlighten you both about my immediate and mundane reaction to 
>the photo of her Christmas tree that Ann posted. Hold onto your seatbelts!  
>"Huh?! But wait a minute! I've seen this photo before! Is this the same photo 
>Ann posted last year?!"
>Yes, Barry is correct.  Share definitely exhibits "range and an ability to 
>feel positive emotion." I'm all teared up with this warm and fuzzy response.  

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