Enoch Powell was opposed to mass immigration on *racial* grounds. He didn't 
want the mass influx of non-whites: Indians, Pakistanis and blacks. It's an 
interesting topic to debate but one that invariably generates more heat than 

 What always amused me is that in the 1970s there were those on the right who 
argued that such immigration was a deliberate plan by the Left to break down 
racial and national solidarity of the native whites and so everyone's identity 
would in future centre on their class. That would help the workers to unite 
against the rich.

 But many on the left argued that the mass immigration was a deliberate plan by 
the Right to import cheap foreign labour and so undercut the power of the 
unions and foster inter-racial antagonism to split the workers. Myself, I've 
always been inclined to accept the cock-up theory of history rather than 
conspiracy theories but it is a fact that parties of both the left and right 
encouraged large-scale immigration against majority popular resentment.

 But all that is a side issue compared to the hot topic of the day which 
centres on Islam. The Muslim issue is completely different as Islam is an 
ideology. To be sure there are many admirable things about Islam but I think 
the key problem is that Muslim ideas are in opposition to the the values of 
liberal societies. One obvious example is the place of women. When many Muslim 
women are expected to wear face coverings; when female genital mutilation is a 
common practice; and when women are regarded as the property of either the 
father or the husband that is clearly in flat contradiction to western mores. 

 This discrepancy wouldn't be an issue if Muslims remained a small minority. 
When they dominate many towns, as they do in the UK, you have a recipe for 
disaster. Let me emphasise that it's *not* a question of who is right or wrong; 
it's a question of a culture clash. And that culture clash is not going to fade 
away. This one is going to grow and grow.

 Now personally I like stirring it; I enjoy controversy. I enjoy watching the 
politicians responsible for the mess we are in (and who clearly have no idea 
how to resolve the conflict) tying themselves into knots on TV debate shows. 
But it could all end in tears.

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