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The Heavenly Pantheon is a complete family affair!

Daniel Lazare notes in a recent report in Harper's that the discovery of
monotheism "was no small feat of imagination, and its consequences were
enormous. Monotheism's attempt at a unified field theory--a single
explanation for everything from the creation of the universe to the origin
of law--failed. But in failing it ensured that people would try doubly hard
to come up with some new "theory of everything" to take its place." The
theological term "monotheism" sometimes becomes blurred when people are
actually practicing their religion.

Christians, Hebrews, Muslims, and Hindus all believe in spirits, angels
and/or demons and ever lesser deities, of various and sundry classes. All
the religions of the Middle East, the Near East, Egypt, Greece and India
were effectively "henotheism", that is, they were devoted to  the High God
with lesser helpers, or devoted to One High God, but admitting the potency
of others; or they were "polytheistic" and worshiped Gods of many forms.

The ancient Canaanite religion encouraged the worship of El and his
Asheroth, and their son, Baal; Hebrews worship Yahweh and the lessor
angels; Christians worship a trinity of Gods: Abba, the Father of Adam,
Jesus, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit or the Logos; in some sects,
Christians worship Mary - Sophia, the Mother of God, or even the girlfriend
of Jesus Himself. In Idia they worship Goddess Saraswati, the "Wisdom born
of Knowledge" - Sri Vidya.

Excerpt from The Confessions:

"As I began to transcend deeper and deeper into my own mind I was to
experience a profound sense of clam; then suddenly in a flash I saw and
experienced the entire cosmos as a divine bi-unity - all inter-related,
just like the net of Lord Indra. I realized that we are all connected: I
became enlightened on the spot through no volition of my own! There,
standing right in front of me, appeared the intelligent agent: The Creator
Almighty, Lord of Volcanoes - and His wife, the beautiful Sophia, their son
Baal, and their daughter Ashley. I fully realized at that moment that
existence is, in Reality, a great big family affair - we are all related!"

Work cited:

'False testament: archaeology refutes the Bible's claim to
by Daniel Lazare
Harper's, 2002
p. 39

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