<< Note the courtesy with which Share corrects auth's mistake. >>

 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You are determined to trash every bit of credibility you may 
ever have had for the sake of defending Poor Innocent Share from her own 

 << Just the facts. >>

 The fact is that her "guess" was wrong. Another fact is that she could have 
found out very easily, just as I did, that the poll results reflect a flat 
rejection of evolution in general by a third of the U.S. population, not just 
that those folks don't think humans evolved from apes. She was trying to wiggle 
out of the mistake by pretending that I had somehow misunderstood what she was 
commenting on (Bhairitu's statement that 1/3 of the population doesn't believe 
in evolution).

 You aren't doing her any favors by trying to help her get away with it, Feste, 
and goodness knows you aren't doing yourself any favors either.

 Just FYI, had I made the mistake she did and been shown to be wrong, I'd have 
said, "You're right, I should have checked rather than guessed. That's a really 
depressing statistic."

 << No sneering or nastiness. Now imagine what it would have been like the 
other way round. Try to learn from Share, auth. 


 Judy, my post was not a wrong guess. It was a reference to noozguru saying 
that 1/3 of Americans don't believe in evolution. >>

 On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 1:53 PM, "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
   Wrong guess (and why guess, when it's so easy to find out what the facts 

 "A poll out Monday shows that less than half – 43 percent – of those who 
identify with the Republican Party say they believe humans have evolved over 
time, plunging from 54 percent four years ago. Forty-eight percent say they 
believe 'humans and other living things have existed in their present form 
since the beginning of time,' up from 39 percent in 2009. [my italics]

 "At 67 percent and 65 percent, respectively, the numbers of Democrats and 
independents who believe in evolution have remained more or less the same since 
2009. They’re also in step with the population nationally: Six-in-10 Americans 
say they believe humans have evolved."

 Read more:


 << noozguru, my guess is that what is meant is that 1/3 or Americans do not 
believe that humans evolved from apes. I'd further speculate that for many of 
that 1/3, the rejection of evolution is based almost entirely on their 
religious beliefs. Still, it is pretty mind boggling in this day and age! >>

 I can really believe that 1/3 of the US population does not accept evolution.  
It's pretty obvious in their behavior and lack of intelligence. :-D  >>





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