Re : Think about "Alien."


 Yes, I'm a big fan of all the films in that series and Sigourney Weaver really 
made the Ripley role her own. But you've missed my point - because I didn't 
explain myself very well. The Alien films were scripted *from the get-go* to 
highlight the central female lead. 20,000 Leagues was written and then first 
filmed as an adventure yarn in an all-male world and worked just fine if you 
like that kind of thing. Adding a woman alters the chemistry of the set-up; it 
doesn't have to be as crude as you suggest but why meddle with the original 
classic story?

 Re my query: Aha! I see now. The Bechdel Test is for detecting gender bias. I 
thought you were just taking a pot shot at films that had all-male casts. 
 Yes, bias is an issue. (Race bias is probably more prevalent, no?) As 
Hollywood producers decide what films get made on the basis of their expected 
profit, I assume they think movies that pass the Bechdel Test will have less 
mass appeal. Is it the audience that is prejudiced rather than the film makers?

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