The Competing Shankaracharyas . . 

 Aggregating what we know:

 NEW DELHI - In a bid to achieve its wider goal of unifying the Hindu society, 
the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has embarked on its most arduous task yet -- 
that of bringing some semblance of order to the institution of Shankaracharyas. 
-Indian Express 

 The last Kumbh festival of this century is over, but not the war between the 
Shankaracharyas of Jyotipeeth here. There are three of them claiming that seat, 
established by Adi Shankaracharya who, in the eighth century, walked all the 
way from his village Kalari, in Kerala, to the Himalayas to meditate under a 
mulberry tree here to obtain enlightenment, bring to an end through discourse 
the influence and control of Buddhism on the life of the Indian people and 
revive Hinduism. 


 The history and presence (as well as it's future)of Jyotirmatha (including  
involvement of the heads of the four and other monasteries of the Daśanāmī 
orders  to be known as Śaṅkarācāryas,  in honor of its founder)was and is 
extremely complicated .But "humanly "interesting, 


 > Which ones are our guys?
Only Swami Vasudevananda Sarswati is in the direct line of succession to 
Swami Brahmanand Saraswati. -Richard J Das


 To summarize, the three competing Jyotirmaṭha lineages in a chart: --merudanda 


 "Nine years after being charged with criminal conspiracy . .  sankaracharyas 
Jayendra Saraswathi, 78, and Vijayendra Saraswathi, 44, were acquitted 
Hindustan Times: 
 'Shankaracharya asked the court: May I sit?'
 The Times of India, November 20, 2004 

Maharishi-ji funeral has been arranged according to tradition by his family,his 
relatives lit the pyre 
 overseen and in patronage of Shankaracharya  of Jyotirmaṭha: Vāsudevānanda 


---In, <punditster@...> wrote:

 NEW DELHI - In a bid to achieve its wider goal of unifying the Hindu society, 
the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has embarked on its most arduous task yet -- 
that of bringing some semblance of order to the institution of Shankaracharyas. 
For the first time, the VHP has convened a meeting of the Kendriya Margdarshak 
Mandal -- its supreme decision-making body -- to frame yardsticks for 
distinguishing ``real'' Shankaracharyas from their pretenders and challengers. 
The crucial meeting is scheduled to be held at Ahmedabad in February next.

 But the VHP's move is likely to face stiff opposition from certain quarters. 
It is unlikely that people like Swami Swaroopanand will endorse it. The 
Shankaracharya of Dwarka has a bitter relationship with the VHP, criticising 
all its moves in the past. The VHP has apparently been forced to make such a 
move after a spate of cases involving Shankaracharyas, religious heads of the 
Shaivite sect of Hindus, were dragged to various courts. It was also rattled by 
the unsavouryscenes witnessed during the Kumbh Mela held earlier this year at 
Hardwar, in which members of various orders fought among themselves and with 
the police to be the first to bathe in the Ganga.

 "The multiplicity of these religious heads has the Hindu samaj bewildered," 
observed a VHP spokesman, adding, "things have reached such a stage that steps 
will have to be taken to remove this confusion." At the last count, according 
to him, there were 18 Shankaracharyas. In addition, there were six religious 
heads who had established their own peeths and staked their claim to being 

 In the 11th century AD, Adi Shankaracharya established four peeths to protect 
vedic dharma. These were the Jyotishpeeth at Badrikashram, Shardapeeth at 
Dwarka, Sringeripeeth and Puripeeth. Later, the heads of these four peeths and 
the vidyut parishad (gathering of learned scholars) accorded their recognition 
to a fifth peeth -- Kanchi Kamakothipeetham. Initially, theissue of succession 
was settled easily as each Shankaracharya was allowed to anoint his successor 
-- a process which was later ratified by the vidyut parishad. But as each peeth 
acquired prestige and power, the issue became a serious bone of contention.

 "The succession problem gradually became more contentious because there were 
no fixed laws to prove the bonafides of various contenders," the VHP spokesman 
pointed out. "In some cases, it became so ridiculous that each contender 
started using the letterhead and the emblem of the Shankaracharya concerned, 
much to the amusement of their followers,"he added.

 To buttress his argument, he gave the example of Jyotishpeeth where Swami 
Vasudevananda Saraswati was chosen as the Shankaracharya by his predecessor 
Jagadguru Vishnudevananda Saraswati. "But even he has two challengers -- Swami 
Swaroopananda of Dwarka and Hardwar's Madhavashram," the spokesman revealed, 
adding that Swami Nischalananda of Puri was being challenged by Swami 

 In at least six cases, heads of various sects have established their own 
peeths. These include Govindanand Saraswati of Ayodhya and Madhavanand of 
Prayag. Intense infighting dogs the Vaishnavite sect also, the most glaring 
example being that of Ramananda sect which owns the Ram Janmabhoomi at 
Ayodhya."The VHP has so far kept itself away from these internal squabbles, 
viewing them as internal matters of the sant samaj," the spokesman remarked. 
"But it clearly feels it is time to step in now," he added.

 'Now, Shankaracharyas will have to measure up to VHP yardstick'
 Devesh Kumar 
 Indian Express


 On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Richard J. Williams <punditster@... 
mailto:punditster@...> wrote:
 On 1/7/2014 8:39 AM, Buck wrote: 
 Buck wrote:
 > Which ones are our guys?

 Only Swami Vasudevananda Sarswati is in the direct line of succession to Swami 
Brahmanand Saraswati.
 The real question is why has the Swami Swaroopanand turned the Jyotirmath 
tradition into a political football. It is well-known that Swaroopanand has 
close ties to the Congress Party and to Sonia Gandhi. Swaroopanand has been 
reported to be opposed to the VHP, the Kanchi Matha, and the Mahesh Yogi's 
programs. In my opinion, once the committee appointed SBS to be the 
Shankaracharya seat they should have not attempted any other interference. It 
is clear that SBS wanted one of his own disciples to succeed him, Swami 
Shantanand who was specified in a will.
 As I previously pointed out, SBS's will hasn't been contested in an Indian 
court of law and the recent court ruling didn't obviate the will, since Swami 
Vasudevanand remains in possession of the Jyotirmath and the Allahabad Shankar 
Math established by SBS. And, I'm told that Vasudevanand is also in possession 
of all the accoutrements once used by Guru Dev, the Throne, the fly whisk, the 
beads, and Guru Dev's sandals. These are all on display at the Shankar Math at 
 In addition there are reports that millions of devotees worship His Holiness 
Swami Vasudevanand as the embodiment of Shankaracharya. At a recent Kumbh Mela 
Vasudevananda performed puja with close to a thousand other Dandi Swamis and 
thousands of devout pilgrims at the Shankar Matha. I've read many positive 
reports in the Indian press that describe Vasudevanand as the rightful 
Shankaracharya, including 'Hinduism Today' and the 'Times of India.'
 It has not been demonstrated that there is a problem with SBS's will. 
According to the official biography of Swami Brahmanand there was no doubt in 
the minds of his disciples as to the intent of the will and it was very plain 
who was specified therein. According to my sources the will was handwritten and 
in English and specified Swami Shantanand as the first to be considered.
 I've also pointed out previously that the mere possession of the Jyotirmath 
property in the succession dispute has no great bearing on who the real 
Shankaracharya is. If it were, Vasudevanand would prevail hands down, since 
he's in possession of most of the Jyotirmath property. In fact, it's a title 
that's at stake in the dispute. In this sense the dispute reaches a moot point 
because in fact there's no evidence that Shankara established any mathas at all 
- it's just a mythic tradition.
  So, if the devotees on the ground in India believe that Vasudevanand is a 
Shankaraycharya and revere him as such, and Vasudevanand looks and acts like a 
Shankaracharya, and he is assumed to be the successor to SBS, and no material 
evidence is presented to the contrary, then Vasudevanand probably is the 
rightful Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath.

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