---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote:

 That's a pretty damn good strategy - had not thought of that.

 For me, TM was never going to be the "answer" for very much, let alone 
"everything". For me it sounded like a great way to obtain all sorts of 
physical and psychological benefits as well as a chance to explore 
consciousness. Then, given the opportunity to do all of this with a few hundred 
people in a scholastic setting and in an atmosphere of non drug taking and 
teetotalling it felt like a great thing to do (attend MIU in 1975-1980). 
Especially after having transferred from another ivy league Eastern-based 
college and witnessing fraternities with their never-ending drinking binges and 
watching my dorm mates get carted off to the hospital in alcohol induced comas, 
I had had enough.

 But TM as the answer to world peace or as a way to ensure all humans who 
practice it get enlightened? Not on your life. Perhaps having had lesser 
expectations I have zero bitterness or even disappointment about any of it. I 
had a really fun and rewarding time at MIU, I emerged unscathed emotionally or 
physically and it just became another life experience to carry forward with and 
reflect on occasionally. 
 On Fri, 1/10/14, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... <steve.sundur@... 
mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: "If Another Country Was Doing This To Our 
Kids, Wed Be At War"
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 10, 2014, 4:45 AM
 And yet you have had
 experiences that you would put in the spiritual category,
 IIRC.  And I think I have as well.  If I had a
 technique now, it would be to pretty much ignore those
 experiences if they come about, and even push back against
 them somewhat, to see if they continue to assert themselves.
  And it has been interesting to see what sticks around,
 and what goes away.  Not to be too cryptic about
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 You know, I do
 appreciate your views on this. I too used to be a starry
 eyed TM fanatic who absolutely believed that TM was the
 answer to everything (even though it obviously was not, as I
 saw and ignored especially when I was living in Fairfield
 and working on staff at MIU.)
 After that I rubbed elbows with a vast number of people all
 of whom engaged in various sorts of alternative spiritual
 endeavors - everything from Sedona folks who banged on a
 Native American drum every time the moon showed a sliver of
 itself in the night sky, to folks who believed the
 "Galactics" were gonna come down at juuuuuuuust
 the right time and save us all, to the wiccans most of whom
 have no idea where wicca actually comes from, to people who
 claim to have the inside track to God, to those who are
 determined warriors on the war path with all things tech and
 money based and on and on. 
 If only I had known about UG Krishnamurti in those days a
 talk or two from him might have saved me a lot of time.
 These days I feel that about 90% of all this new agey
 spiritual doings is about as much use as tits on a bo'
 hawg. That is southern slang for a male hog, a boar.
 Not that there is not some use in what all spiritually
 minded folks do but most of it just seems designed, albeit
 unconsciously, just to make us feel better. And that is all
 it does, it makes us feel better emotionally, even though
 our lives suck. And what better way to feel better than to
 believe our very special and wonderful chosen path will lead
 to some sort of salvation for all humanity. 
 Its good to feel good, but when I see that most of the
 practitioners of all this new agey stuff are STILL unhappy,
 still unhealthy, still un-wealthy and still having crappy
 relationships, I see that even with the practices, beliefs,
 icons and things and people to follow it doesn't seem to
 do the trick except that we fool ourselves into believing if
 we stay on the path, we will eventually get to where we want
 to be (really happy).
 As Edg would say "Bah!"
 On Fri, 1/10/14, steve.sundur@...
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: "If Another Country
 Was Doing This To Our Kids, Wed Be At War"
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 10, 2014, 3:24 AM
 Thanks for your comments.  (I wish I could
 still do the interspersing)
 I've been reflecting on
 how my outlook has changed over time.  
 From being an energetic foot
 soldier in Maharishi's Army confident I could change
 world, to having now a much more sober vision of how
 really are.  And I thank God for that more sober
 And although I'm afraid
 to say that the opposing forces, broadly defined as
 materialism, are going to prevail, there are still going
 be many inroads made by those of a more spiritual
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 On 01/08/2014 06:51 PM, steve.sundur@...
 I listened to several
 interviews with this guy.
 Among the things he
 writes about is that income disparity is
 pretty much
 here to stay.  But instead of 1% and
 the rest, it is
 more likely to be about 15% who have
 resources, with
 most everyone else just scraping
 Indeed lots of people I talk to are just scrapping
 by.  A lot of
 people are too proud to admit it though. You have to
 to find what their case is.  A lot of the
 unemployed are highly
 educated and have a lot of experience. 
 People's futures have been
 stolen and they should not be depressed, they should
 He also points out,
 (either correctly or incorrectly) that the
 catalyst for
 social upheavals in the past was because
 people did not
 have enough to eat, and that is not likely
 to be the
 case now.
 The riots in Spain and Greece are do to people not
 able to
 afford food.  Do you do the grocery shopping in
 family?  Have
 you notice food prices going up faster than the rate
 Or food packages getting smaller but still the same
 price?  Or the
 ingredients in something now are cheaper or more
 than when
 you bought the product several years ago?
 Also, technology, being
 so accessible, is able to provide enough
 comfort and
 satisfaction so that people will be okay
 with a lower
 standard of living.
 The last time the US economy was in balance was in the
 1970s.  After
 that it started going wacko.  Much of the
 "prosperity" of the
 country was based on credit and people tricked into
 buying things
 they really didn't need.  It's like there
 was a scheme to put
 everyone in debt.
 Yes, technology is one thing that has gotten
 cheaper.  But people
 don't need to be activists 24/7 so some recreation
 is fine.  A lot
 of folks wanted to downsize too as they got older but
 has been
 difficult to sell their homes and renting something
 smaller often
 costs as much as the mortgage they are already
 paying.  It's crazy.
 thing said is that stats will continue to
 drive most
 decisions.  Just as in sports stats
 have become dominant
 in measuring every nuance, this will
 continue in one's
 personal life, determining credit
 worthiness, and into
 areas not yet so affected in this
 And a lot of stats aren't at all, many stats are
 propaganda.  Be
 sure to consider the source. 

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