Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University chancellor Girish Chandra Varma's 
judicial remand extended

TNN | Jan 16, 2014, 12.28 PM IST




Court extended judicial remand of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University 
chancellor Girish Chandra Varma on Wednesday till January 29.

Court of additional chief judicial magistrate Varsha Sharma extended the 
judicial remand.

Counsel for Varma, Vijay Choudhary, said, "Judicial remand extended for January 

Varma was arrested on December 29 on rape charge and was initially sent in 
police custody till January 1, thereafter he was sent to judicial custody till 
January 15.

He was arrested by Mahila Thana police from his sprawling 10-acre ashram on 
Bhojpur Road in Bhopal following a complaint filed by the victim about 9 months 



Jailed for rape, he is ‘sham’ to his accusers, ‘celibate’ to his followers

Express News Service | January 10, 2014 12:48 



Girish Chandra Varma and his ashram-cum-home on the outskirts of Bhopal. 
(Express Archive) 


It has been a habit with Girish Chandra Varma to ring in the new year by 
observing maun vrat for the first three days, apparently to purify himself and 
enhance spiritual awareness. This New Year’s Eve, too, he was preparing to 
retreat to his sprawling ashram-cum-residence on the outskirts of Bhopal with 
his family and attendants. He did not, however, get to keep his annual tryst 
with spirituality and silence there. The police took him away on the charge of 
repeatedly raping a teacher in his employ.

Varma, 53, who sports a flowing beard and white robes, is a nephew of late 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, controls an empire, and commands a large following. He 
heads a chain of 145 schools called Maharishi Vidya Mandir, management and IT 
colleges and a Vedic university each in Jabalpur and Bilaspur. This is part of 
the legacy of the maharishi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
programme. After the maharishi’s death in 2008, his vast empire of educational 
and other institutions in India and abroad was shared among various members of 
the family.

Varma and his followers insist he is celibate but the teacher’s husband says it 
is a sham. “Even the maun vrat was a sham for the consumption of the outside 
world. Inside the ashram he would talk to us,” says the husband, who too worked 
with Varma and who alleges the latter sexually exploited him, too.

While he was in police custody, however, Varma did refuse to speak because of 
the maun vrat. Whenever he needed something, he would write the demand on a 
piece of paper, police sources say. He is now in judicial custody.

Now 41, the woman who has accused him of exploitation was first employed as a 
teacher a decade ago in a school in Arera Colony before being transferred to a 
school in Ratanpur. She has alleged that Varma forced her into sex through the 
decade. She says she had kept quiet because he had filmed her in the nude at a 
group institution in Noida. The police, however, are yet to find any video 
footage or photographs.

Her husband, 49, spent 27 years with the group’s institutions in various 
capacities, including that of Varma’s personal assistant. “My father had taught 
him music in a Jabalpur college and he was a family friend,” the husband says.

He alleges Varma sexually exploited him on a trip to the Netherlands in 1992, 
but he won’t press the charge, because the case is old and he has no evidence. 
Varma, he alleges, would insist on taking his wife along and once took her by a 
chartered flight to Varanasi from Noida.

The couple have two daughters, aged 16 and seven.

The woman had approached the state commission for women in March last year but 
what led to Varma’s arrest last week was her threat to immolate herself.

Varma’s followers and employees call him brahmachari (celibate) or bhaiyyaji. 
They accuse the couple of trying to blackmail the group because they were 
thrown out of service. The husband lost his job in 2012 and the wife lost hers 
after filing the complaint.

“The group’s institutions employ nearly 5,000 women but no one else has 
levelled such allegations,” says V R Khare, a retired principal chief 
conservator of forests who has recently joined the group.

“I am celibate. God is watching,” Varma said in court. “The woman is working at 
someone’s behest. My enemies are backing her. Allegations were levelled against 
me in the past too but like always I will emerge unscathed.”

A judge refused him bail on the ground that he was likely to influence the 
probe. The clout he enjoys was on display during his time in police custody, 
when he was allowed various facilities.

The husband alleges the police made him and his wife give statements on several 
occasions, hoping to find some inconsistencies that would eventually weaken the 
case against Varma.

Nearly one lakh students study in schools under the group, besides 12,000 
students who are imparted free training in Vedic rituals in gurukuls. There are 
thousands of teachers and employees. The value of the properties owned by the 
group runs into hundreds of crores.

Varma, who had joined his uncle about two decades ago, spent several years 
abroad. He moved to Bhopal when the group shifted its headquarters from Noida. 
The couple who have made the allegations had come to Bhopal before that.

Initially, land measuring 5.5 acres was purchased for Varma’s house in Chaand 
village on Bhojpur Road. Later, an adjacent five acres was added to the 
complex, which has an office, and space for havan and meditation. His 
supporters now perform havan every day for his release.

The police last week seized an Audi after the woman alleged she was forced into 
having sex inside it. Varma’s minders insist he rarely travelled in it, let 
alone commit a crime in it. 

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