I win.

 Hands down.

 You're not likely to get an answer, Xeno, because Judy can't come up with any 
posts in which she actually discussed her "spiritual experiences." Fortunately 
I saved a few excerpts from the only post in which I remember her even trying 
(#362163) before she deleted it:

 > It was a good day today. Like any other day, I won every 
 > argument I started, and proved how much smarter I was 
 > than everyone else. I stalked Share again and made her 
 > feel bad enough to respond to me, at which point I 
 > declared victory and stalked her some more. I managed 
 > to sneak references to many of the people who left the 
 > forum because they were no match for me (like Vaj and 
 > Curtis and Sal Sunshine and Ruth and Andrew Skolnick) 
 > into conversations that had nothing to them...that was 
 > satisfying. 
 > A couple of people tried to post something I knew nothing 
 > about, so of course I spent a few minutes on Google and 
 > Wikipedia so that I could 'correct' them and show everyone 
 > that I knew more about it than they did. Then I spent some 
 > time stroking the enemies of my enemies and praising them 
 > so they'll remain my friends. I don't really like them much, 
 > but ya gotta do what ya gotta do to 'win' around here. 
 > Finally, I called Barry a LIAR a bunch of times, even though 
 > he hadn't posted anything today. That's another one of those 
 > things that ya just gotta do. 
 > So yes, it was a good day. Waves and waves of bliss are 
 > flowing over me as I think back on all I accomplished. I 
 > think I'll celebrate by doing puja -- chanting Lady Gaga songs 
 > in front of my photo of Robin while masturbating using the 
 > vibrator I've painted to look like him. A perfect ending to a 
 > perfect day.



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