Re "So, what's wrong with Katy Perry?"


 Not a lot I confess. My apologies to Katy for slagging her off. She strikes me 
as a fun girl and has brought a lot of pleasure into our drab lives! I'm 
especially pleased she's finding TM an important plus in her life. 
 I picked on her as her biggest error was marrying Russell Brand - what was the 
poor girl thinking? Brand does strike me as a seriously messed-up individual; 
how can someone be so self-absorbed and self-satisfied - especially when he's 
on a "spiritual" journey? The fact that Katy couldn't see through his ego-mania 
(at least at first) suggests she has a blind spot. Doesn't doing TM make you 
more alert to people's tiresome ego games? I hope she finds a partner a little 
more "centered" next time!

 The trouble with celebrities is that they worry too much about what others 
think about them; the vital thing is to be yourself. Indeed the vital thing is 
to be your SELF.

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