Share, making a medical recommendation on the basis of what I said is rather 
risky don't you think? I did not mention the condition, just the chemical used 
to treat it, and it is used for a number of purposes. From a medical point of 
view, aloe vera has not been researched enough or well enough to come to any 
medically useful conclusions, though the cosmetic industry seems to have made 
it one of its poster child products.
---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Xeno, aloe vera gel...

 On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:19 AM, "anartaxius@..." <anartaxius@...> wrote:
   Buck, I agree with Turq. Card's posts are in their own little world. Most of 
them are incomprehensible to me, including the request this thread is about. 
Card actually reduced the jargon a bit by putting a portion of his request in a 
slightly less technical form parenthetically, but it still did not help. Who 
else here transliterates Sanskrit or has such a grasp of language? Usually I 
have no way to even begin to respond to one of his posts. Some additional 
explanation plain words would be a big help as to what he is getting at. 

 And Buck, your posts are pretty jargon laden as well, besides being almost 
completely spam. Tell us what you think in your own words. Farmers are not 
noted for being abstract philosophers, they speak plain and simple. Do you post 
all that stuff so you look good to the thought police over there at MUM? On 
occasion you have posted some really interesting things that seem to represent 
what you think and feel that come across as natural, but most of the time, you 
do not do this, you sound more like a Jehovah's Witness proffering pre-canned 
quotes from Watchtower Magazine, so instead of making a worthwhile 
contribution, you are largely ignored. It's OK to quote things, but then tell 
us what you think about that, free of jargon, what it means to you, and perhaps 
how you would explain it to someone who never ever heard of TM or meditation in 
general. You do not learn what you are saying until you can spontaneously say 
it in your own words, and understand it on your own terms. Then, you have to 
learn how to say it to someone who has not gone through that process. It is 
really easy to fail at this.

 I have a slight skin condition, so right now I think I will go an apply a 
layer of (CH2)7(CO2H)2 to the affected area so that the proximal and distal 
surfaces of the application are minimised. Can anyone here recommend an 
alternative to this?

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 My point, "Buck," since you seem to have missed it, is that a number of people 
-- especially Fairfielders -- have been living in a Jargon Bubble for so long 
that they no longer realize when they are speaking jargon. They have lost the 
art -- and, I would suggest, even the desire -- to give "intro lectures" and 
communicate with anyone who *doesn't* speak the same jargon they do. 

That's fine, if all you want to do in life is the thing you've adopted as your 
schtick here -- "preach to the already converted." That's fine if you're 
comfortable with being an elitist and don't really want to ever speak to anyone 
who *isn't* already an elitist, and "your kind of elitist." 

It's not so fine if you were ever trying to actually communicate to the 
occasional lurker who might appear here, wanting to learn a little something 
about TM, or even spiritual practice in general. 

But I guess that's not what you're trying to do, right? You'd prefer to keep 
writing jargon-filled stuff that gets zero replies. Anyone who wants to reply 
has to "come up to your level" and stop being so "ignorant." Did I get your 
position on all of this correctly?

How long has it been since you ever *gave* an "intro lecture," "Buck," or even 
wanted to? I know it's difficult to imagine, interacting with the unwashed 
masses of the ignorant and all, all those who just aren't as good as you are. 
I'm just pointing out that pretty much NO ONE responds to your rants as they 
are. Do you think that maybe...just perhaps...the way you're writing them might 
have something to do with that?  

 --- In, "TurquoiseB" wrote:
> --- In, wrote:
> >
> > Om Dear Turq, I am concerned about you. It seems evident you are
> becoming somewhat obsessed and and even hung-up on this particular
> thought form around jargon that you would seek to suppress people's
> writing use of jargon around here on a list that is so manifestly
> technical about spirituality.
> Don't be an ass. I am not trying to "suppress" the use of jargon. I'm
> trying to get through to people who *no longer realizing they're using
> it*, and that doing so is *excluding* people from what they're trying to
> say.
> > Card was looking for an answer and anyone who knows what NSR and biija
> mantras are and could possibly answer the question will do so.
> And anyone who doesn't (I have no idea what NSR means) are excluded.
> > People who are ignorant of NSR and biija mantras are always free to
> improve themselves with Google searches further.
> A "Google search" for NSR returns -- in order -- "National Skills
> Registry," "National Scouting Report," and "National Swine Report."
> Which do you think Card was referring to?




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