---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raphita@...> wrote:

 Re Barry's: "I've seen a number of people have strong experiences of "being 
enlightenment," and then afterwards "back off" and run away from any sadhana 
(spiritual practice, such as meditation) that would make "being enlightenment" 
"come back.":
 The classic account of that experience is Suzanne Segal's Collision with the 
Infinite (it was doing TM that left her struggling with terror!).


 Suzanne was part of our life in Victoria during WTS days. She also had a 
brother who was involved. I believe she died of a brain tumour around 1986 or 
soerhaps that would explain her "enlightenment" experience.

 So doesn't it make perfect sense for most people out there in the work-a-day 
world to be left to enjoy their illusions and consolations if embarking on a 
spiritual quest would only end by making them miserable? If spiritual masters 
were regulated by the advertising standards authority wouldn't they be fined 
for their false promises of "bliss consciousness"?

 Re "My bet is that if science came up with a safe, no-side-effects pill that 
would provide the experience of No-Self, very few on this forum would take 
it.": there are already plenty of psychedelics that destroy the ego identity. 

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