All you have done is prove my point further. One observation of mine, on 
non-attachment, vs. "noggin-attachment", is that, those who practice 
"noggin-attachment" create a lot of strain within themselves. Simply because, 
as I said, the ego cannot think, or plan, its non-existence. A stupid and 
wasteful idea that has gone on far too long -- as you said, over 2,500 years! 


---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 And you should believe what *I* have to say about non-attachment, because *I* 
have established such a track record of not being attached here on Fairfield 
Life. *I* mean, all those times I lost it and lashed out, insulting people and 
calling them names because they didn't buy my enlightened act...that WASN'T 
attachment. It only looked that way because you people are so damned unevolved.

*Mine* is the only view that matters on this subject of non-attachment. And if 
any of you challenge this, *I* will argue with you to establish *my* dominance 
and how ignorant you are. And that's not attachment. That's just *me* being 
compassionate towards all of you low-lives who just aren't as evolved and as 
enlightened as *I* am. 

Why don't you people just learn to pay attention to what *I* say like the more 
evolved people over on BATGAP. *They* understand how special *I* am, and they 
believe the things I say Just Because *I* Say Them. Why don't you? What is 
WRONG with you?


 --- In, doctordumbass@... wrote:
> Funny thing how one of the members of this forum recently claimed that the 
> state of non-attachment, could be learned, consciously. This means that the 
> individual, the ego, takes the responsibility for dissolving itself. Can 
> anyone say, "fox guarding the hen house"?? lol 
> Such a misguided idea, this "noggin-attachment", and a huge waste of time. 
> This idea of *developing* "non-attachment", began with the misinterpretation 
> of what are known as the limbs of enlightenment. Instead of the teachers 
> recognizing, that the limbs grow simultaneously, vs. sequentially, they 
> fucked the whole thing up. 
> These teachers, of incorrect knowledge, teach the limbs as a path, or a 
> series of stages, tied to conscious development, by the ego, of its supposed 
> non-attachment. 
> It is possibly a fun game, to pretend to be distanced from experience, and 
> supposedly non-attached, but it is in the end a huge sacrifice of human life, 
> towards mood-making, and false hope. 
> Non-attachment cannot be learned, or faked, or thought into. It is a natural 
> conditioning of the nervous system that accompanies, rather than leads, 
> Enlightenment. There is no possibility of being just 90% or 75% or 32% 
> attached to experience, the play of the three gunas, and its resulting karma. 
> It is all or nothing. Any other attempt shows up as strained behavior, with 
> an implicit idea, of how this non-attachment is supposed to *feel*; life on 
> Fantasy Island, and nothing more.

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