My domain has been since ten years ago. Before that it was - Pundit Sir

-----Original Message-----
From: "" <>
Sent: ‎1/‎28/‎2014 10:26 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The new guru domain

How could I not be jealous of your erudition, wisdom and illimitable awareness? 
Isn't that why you're known as Mr. TrikaVijñanavad?

I feel that's the only explanation of why no one ventured to pony up the $$ to 
help fund your registration fees for your domain. They are just in awe 
of you and too over-whelmed to say so. 

For my part, I don't know which domain name you prefer - maybe this: (easier to spell for those Westerners).

Maybe you could be entitled VladGuru for short. 

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