13. The ideal home office will have a stationary bicycle, and/or a
treadmill, an elliptical or other exercise device, and maybe some 5-10
pound one-handed barbells.

[image: Inline image 1]

14. The ideal home office would have a good pair of noise-cancelling head

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Richard Williams <pundits...@gmail.com>wrote:

[image: Inline image 1]
> Example of an ideal home office, above; below a description of a poor home
> office:
> There's a nerd guy I know that lives down the street who does almost all
> of his homework sitting on a twin bed with his dog - the bed is a mattress
> on the floor, no frame. He has an old army sleeping bag which also doubles
> as a pillow when not in use for sleeping or on really hot days.
> This guy has a large box fan sitting on the floor, usually set to high.
> The guy has an old laptop computer with a 14 inch display, but no internet;
> a 21 inch cathode ray TV set with rabbit ears sitting on a TV tray. There
> is a game box with two controllers and several game discs on the floor next
> to a cardboard box. There's an Emerson microwave on the counter next to a
> small sink in the corner of the room.
> His place is located out back behind the main house next to the alley. Two
> large dogs roam the back yard which is mostly dirt and rocks with a few
> sprouts of Johnson grass. There is no water hose but there is a spigot at
> the side of the main hose. He parks his car on the street at the curb in
> front of the house. There is a sidewalk made of square flat concrete slabs
> that he got at Home Depot garden center. His door has a combination padlock
> on the outside of the door with a chain for security. Inside the door has a
> sliding bolt assembly he bought at Ace Hardware.
> This nerd guy has an old Lazy Boy recliner for his chair that he found at
> the curb from a house down the street that he found during free curb-side
> trash pick up. His main light is a cord hanging from the center of the
> ceiling with an aluminum shield on it that he got at the Family Dollar. He
> has a radiant electric heater on the floor near the foot of the bed. There
> is a window in the back of the room covered with aluminum foil and it
> opens, but has no screen.
> This nerd has a styro-foam cooler for keeping beer cooled, which doubles
> as a table for an ash tray, which is large coffee can filled with sand.
> There is a bathroom in this guys home office, but it contains no tissue of
> any kind and no soap.  Go figure.
> Suggestions for an Ideal Home Office:
> A ideal home office should be designed for getting things done. The ideal
> home home office will have a desk; a chair; a table light; and some writing
> paper and a box of pencils. The ideal home office would be a separate room
> with a door and window to allow natural light to enter the room. In
> addition to the above an ideal office will have its own bathroom for easy
> convenience.
> The ideal home office will have a long counter (with drawers or cabinets
> or both); a sink (double or single, ceramic or aluminum); a refrigerator
> (double or single door with a freezer) and a stove (gas or electric) to
> food cook on. The ideal office will have a coffee pot (drip, automatic; and
> a glass water kettle for boiling water. The ideal home office will have a
> coffee bean grinder.
> The desk should be stable, constructed of wood or metal, and at a suitable
> position for maximum utility. The chair should be comfortable and
> supporting. The table light should provide ample lighting for doing work.
> The ideal home office would be located in a place free of unwanted
> distractions.
> In addition, the ideal home office would be equipped with a telephone
> (land line or cell); a computer (desktop or laptop) preferably with two or
> more large flat-screen monitors and a sound system; a file cabinet (metal
> or wood); a printer (inkjet or laser); and a fax machine (or computer fax
> software) and a flat-bed scanner. The bathroom should include a roll of
> tissue; a box of tissues; and soap (bar or bottle).
> In the ideal home office will have a computer connected to the internet
> (high speed local network or wireless) and will be equipped with personal
> productivity tools such as a web browser, a text editor, a calculating
> program and imaging software
> Additional recommendations:
> 1. The room should be large with plenty of room for working on projects.
> The floor should be constructed of hardwood, highly polished, with a large
> oriental carpet in the center of the room with a pillow for sitting on to
> meditate and get inspiration.
> 2. The room should be equipped with a hot and cold central HVAC system,
> such as a Trane, if needed. The ideal home office would be designed with a
> fireplace (wood or gas).
> 3. The room should be secure, with a dead bolt lock on the door. The ideal
> home office would be equipped with security cameras and motion sensors
> connected to a security agency such Brinks.
> 4. The desk should be large and sturdy with plenty of room for writing,
> drawing, computing, collating or for completing projects. The ideal desk
> would have some drawers for storing the paper and pencils.
> 5. The chair should be adjustable for height; be able to swivel 360
> degrees, have a high back; and padded arms; wheels for rolling around the
> room, for quick access to items when needed; the chair should be covered
> either in leather or vinyl or cloth.
> 6. The table light should be easily adjustable for optimum positioning;
> provide a switch for light intensity (bright, medium, or dim).
> 7. The window should be positioned so that it provides natural light for
> reading and for letting in fresh air and/or a sliding double door type door
> for easy access to a garden or a patio; the window should have curtains or
> blinds and be equipped with screens.
> 8. There should be a couch or a sofa (cloth or leather) in the ideal home
> office with a blanket, and a few pillows for taking naps or day dreaming;
> or for having meetings.
> 9. The ideal home office would be located near the family den for TV
> watching; for taking breaks from work; for drinking, and/or partying and
> listening to recorded music or for playing a guitar, drums or sax real
> loud.
> 10. The ideal home office would have a large refrigerator stocked with
> beer, wine and bottled water and food for overnight or week long projects.
> The cupboards should contain an ample supply of food stuffs (canned beans,
> canned chili, or various Chef-Boy-R- Dees). The really ideal home office
> cupboard would have a good supply of canned Vienna sausages and corm chips
> and good salsa sauce.
> 11. The ideal home office would have a garage or at least a carport for a
> company van to be used for obtaining supplies, for hauling band equipment
> or pets to the vet or to a dog park.
> 12. The ideal home office would be reserved for work or for completing
> projects - slackers should not be permitted in the home office for casual
> conversation or yakking - these types should be referred to the den or
> kitchen where the party is going on.
> Now let's get to work!

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