So says a bunch of folks who have only developed the intellect and not intuition. Plus the "superstitious beliefs" they were looking at were western in nature. They would probably also think that people using Sanskrit mantras to meditate are "praying to superstitious gods." ROTFL!

Thing is, like astrology, long documented omens from classical Indian philosophy often play out. And the reason they do may have to do with the connectedness of everything which is way beyond the understanding of those with overstimulated intellects. The philosophy may be the fragments for sciences of a long lost civilization for all we know.

It's always fun to see if these things play out.

On 02/01/2014 03:49 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

*/Remember the talk of "omens" when a couple of birds attacked the Pope's "peace doves?" Remember when Maharishi mistook an icicle on his balcony for Shiva?

New research suggests that the brains of many people are naturally susceptible to projecting meaning onto meaningless events and considering them omens. Unless their brains are working more efficiently, that is, and exercising cognitive inhibition.


*/ /*

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