On 2/2/2014 1:41 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Vedic Chhandas and bijâkshara-s don't work - for the deaf or damn 
> fools. Nor do books about Tantra sadhana.
You can use any mnemonic device as a an aid to meditation - symbols, 
sounds, images, visualizations. There are no bija mantras in the Rig 
Veda - I don't even know why you brought that up. You're not even making 
any sense.
The Tantras are books!

There are only two things that are incumbent on a sadhu or a yogi: you 
must be meditating on your bija mantra at least twice a day: in the 
morning when the sun comes up, and in the evening when the sun goes down.

"Meditating for some time, one gets established permanently in the state 
of being. And then, wherever the mind goes one is established in that 
Self no matter what one does here or there; it doesn't matter when one 
is established in the Self. And, that state comes after some time from 
going deep inside and coming out. With this practice one gets 
established permanently in the Self, and then whatever you do you are 
not separate from the Self..." - Tat Walah Baba, Rishikesh 1969

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